1751 results from Publications


A720 Sheriffhall - Public Transport & Active Travel Review Report


A review of the proposed scheme to see whether further improvements to active travel and public transport facilities would be feasible

Preferred option exhibition materials - December 2020 – East of Huntly to Aberdeen - A96 Dualling


Materials presented at the preferred option exhibition in December 2020 for the East of Huntly to Aberdeen section of the A96 Dualling.

COVID-19 Public Attitudes Survey Data: Wave 11


Transport Scotland is monitoring public attitudes to transport and travel during the COVID-19 outbreak. We are doing this through a telephone survey carried out on our behalf with a representative sample of over 16s across Scotland.

Media Results

National Transport Strategy (NTS2) - Delivery Plan – 2020 to 2022


This first annual Delivery Plan sets out the actions being taken across the Scottish Government to achieve the Strategy’s vision, priorities and outcomes.

Paid invoices - November 2020


Transport Scotland now publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000

COVID-19 Transport Trend Data - 7 - 13 December 2020


Transport Scotland is monitoring transport trends during the COVID-19 outbreak. This information provides a snapshot of travel across main modes when compared to this time last year.

A77 Maybole Bypass Newsletter Winter 2020


The third newsletter for the A77 Maybole Bypass project

DMRB Stage 2 Assessment Report – East of Huntly to Aberdeen - A96 Dualling


Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Stage 2 Assessment for the East of Huntly to Aberdeen section of the A96 Dualling Scheme.

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement - Local Authorities - Income and Expenditure - 2019 to 2020


A local authority operating a DPE regime must keep an account of their income and expenditure in respect of designated parking places and additional parking charges, in the permitted and special parking areas

Forth Replacement Crossing Project - One Year After Opening Evaluation


A report on the findings of the Forth Replacement Crossing Project One Year After Opening evaluation.

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