5749 results from Articles




As part of our wider public transport role, we look after ferry services and ports across Scotland.

Road Equivalent Tariff


A distance based fares structure, which underpins the Scottish Government’s commitment to providing one single overarching fares policy across Scotland’s entire ferry network

Scottish Ferries Plan


Setting out the future of ferry services until 2022

Media Results

Freight Fares Review


Delivering a new freight fares structure for all Scottish Government subsidised ferry services

Ferry services


Transport Scotland is responsible for several different ferry services. This page looks at the subsidised routes and the contractors undertaking them.

Ferry Replacement Task Force - Orkney Islands Council (OIC) and Scottish Government (SG)


The Scottish Government and Orkney Islands Council will work jointly on proposals to support OIC’s consideration of options for the long term renewal of the Orkney internal ferry fleet.

Ferry Replacement Task Force - Shetland Islands Council (SIC) & Scottish Government (SG)


Ferry services procurement policy review


The review will engage key stakeholders, such as the unions and communities, on the future approach to the provision of ferry services.

Infrastructure projects


Investment projects to improve the resilience of lifeline ferry services.

Ardrossan Harbour Task Force


Improving the operational effectiveness of Ardrossan Harbour in supporting the lifeline ferry services and the new vessel on the Arran route

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