5749 results from Articles


Journey Planning


Promote and raise awareness of technology and initiatives that provide passengers with timely and up to date information to help them to make informed decisions in order to complete their journey.

Staff Training and Awareness


Work with Transport providers to ensure that staff are provided with up-to-date, regular disability awareness and equality training

Transport to Health


Work with Scottish Government Health colleagues to ensure disabled people are equipped with the information and services they need to ensure that they are able to travel safely to medical / health appointments

Media Results

Blue Badge


Review the Blue Badge Code of Practice Review to provide Local Authorities with a more clear and concise approach in order to deliver the scheme with a greater level of consistency.



Enable more disabled people in Scotland to use buses by working towards fully accessible information, infrastructure and design

Taxi and Private Hire Cars


Ensure Taxi and Private Hire Cars (PHCs) are available across Scotland and meet the needs of disabled people

Clear Pathways


Ensure paths and pavements are clear and accessible for all

Information, Signs and Wayfaring


Improve information, signage and wayfinding

Accessible Travel Framework


The framework provides a national vision and outcomes for accessible travel and a high level action plan to tackle the key issues facing disabled people.



The protection and enhancement of the natural environment is an important aspect of all transport projects.

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