1811 results from news


Funding for A90 Laurencekirk design work

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Work on a preferred design for accessing Laurencekirk is set to receive up to £100,000 of Scottish Government funding.

M8/M73/M74 Motorway Improvements Project - Preferred Bidder Announced

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The Central Scotland motorway network is on the road to completion with Transport Scotland today announcing Scottish Roads Partnership (SRP) - a consortium with a construction joint venture of Ferrovial Agroman (Amey) and Lagan - as preferred bidder on this critical project.

Keith Brown hits back at Westminster claim on Scottish rail fares

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Media Results

Contract for A82 Crianlarich Bypass Awarded

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Ground-breaking road safety campaign

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A82 Pulpit Rock construction continues (2)

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ScotRail Annual Report Card Improves Again

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Penalties down 64% on 2012 as passenger satisfaction reaches 90%

Locals have chance to comment on designs for Dalry Bypass

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North Ayrshire communities are being invited to have their say on the proposed design for the A737 Dalry Bypass road scheme.

Minister launches latest round of station regeneration grants

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Disused station premises across Scotland could have a new lease of life thanks to a £1 million cash injection.Transport Minister Keith Brown has launched the latest round of the Stations Community Regeneration Fund (SCRF), following the success of previous awards.

Average Speed Cameras To Be Introduced On A9

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