1811 results from news


Work starts on new £3.8m Gleneagles link road

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Construction has begun on a new £3.8m link road between Gleneagles Station and the A9 and an extended car park at the station.

Brown rallying cry on A96 road plans

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Nairn Bypass options on display

£1million community minibus fund

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A new £1million community minibus fund has been announced by Transport Minister Keith Brown.

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A96 Dualling Show On The Road

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Local communities are being urged to have their say on the Scottish Government’s ambitious A96 dualling programme at a forthcoming series of roadshows.

A75 - Key bridge lift completed on £17.1m road scheme

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A key milestone in the £17.1 million Dunragit bypass was successfully completed at the weekend when the beams supporting the new road bridge over the Glasgow-Stranraer railway line were lifted into place.

Draft Designs On Show for A9 Dualling Scheme

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Work to remove Aberdeen-Inverness bottleneck

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More progress on A96 Inveramsay Bridge improvement works.

Funding increase for community transport charity

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Transport Minister Keith Brown has announced that Transport Scotland is doubling its funding for a leading community transport charity to help it expand its work in Scotland.

A82 Pulpit Rock construction continues

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The second series of overnight construction works will continue on the £9.2m A82 Pulpit Rock Improvement scheme from 10pm on Monday 4th November.

A77 Improvement Scheme moves apace

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Users of the A77 will see further work on the two flyovers which were lifted into place on the £10.6 million Symington and Bogend Toll scheme.

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