1811 results from news


Rail connections go digital

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Passengers using key rail stations and services will be able to get online as they get on-board, thanks to a £863k Transport Scotland investment in Wi-Fi capability.


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Transport Minister Keith Brown has today welcomed the imminent publication of the Glasgow Airport Strategic Transport Network Study.

REISSUED RELEASE WITH UPDATED NOTES TO EDITORS : Minister announces funding for community transport groups

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Transport Minister Keith Brown today announced that grants totalling £1 million are being offered to twenty-nine third sector community transport operators.

Media Results


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Transport Minister Keith Brown today announced that grants totalling £1 million are being offered to twenty-nine third sector community transport operators.

D&G Infirmary A75 roundabout works in rude health

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Five in frame for £1.2m contract.

Public Exhibitions on A9 Safety Plan

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Road users asked to give their views.

Borders fares and timetable revealed

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The return of train services to the Borders is one step closer to reality today as Transport Scotland unveils the prices and times of the services.

Games stations boost in £3m rail windfall

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Scotland’s rail network is set for a spring bonanza as it prepares for this year’s major international sporting events.

Brown launches payment pilot to benefit construction industry

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‘Project Bank Accounts’ piloted on first roads infrastructure project.

Perth bridge works finished ahead of schedule

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Refurbishment completed almost two weeks early.

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