1751 results from Publications


Clear - Keeping Scotland’s traffic moving


This document sets out the roles and responsibilities of the key organisations involved in traffic incident management on the strategic motorway and trunk road network, setting out a joint outcome

Traffic Monitoring Annual Report - 2012/13 - Forth Replacement Crossing


The aim of this report is to present the traffic data collected throughout the monitoring period, to allow for key changes and trends to be identified

Franchise agreement - May 2014 - Caledonian Sleeper


Detailing what the Franchisee is obliged to deliver in detail over the life of the Franchise

Media Results

Brochure - May 2014 - Caledonian Sleeper


Providing more detail about the transformation of the Caledonian Sleeper service

New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 - The Code of Practice for the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads - Consultation Analysis Report


This Specification is a Code of Practice outlining a national standard applicable to all Undertakers when carrying out reinstatement as a part of executing street works

Tourist Signposting Research


The purpose of this research was to respond to the questions/concerns raised by the Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, as well as arrive at conclusions and recommendations based on the research carried out to improve tourist signposting in Scotland.

Carbon Account for Transport No. 5: 2013/14 Edition


Investigating the potential for reactive 'glowing' roads as an initiative on the Scottish road network


Study to deliver a wide-based information-gathering report detailing the viability of the various strands of photo-luminescent technology and its potential application on the Scottish road network.

Draft Orders, Compulsory Purchase Order and Environmental statement - Luncarty to Pass of Birnam - A9 Dualling


The Draft Road Orders, Compulsory Purchase Order and the associated Environmental Statement were published on 19 March 2014

ScotFLAG meeting minutes - 27 February 2014


Minutes of the meeting of the Scottish Freight and Logistics Advisory Group (ScotFLAG)

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