1751 results from Publications


A9 Pitlochry to Killiecrankie - Public exhibition Nov 2016


As part of Jacobs commission as Design Consultants to Transport Scotland, Jacobs organised and delivered Public Exhibitions on the Pitlochry to Killiecrankie section of the A9 Dualling. The exhibitions purpose was to announce the Preferred Mainline, Junction and Side Road Option for this project and to give the public and stakeholders an opportunity to speak to members of the project team and provide feedback on the material presented.

Paid Invoices - May 2017


Transport Scotland now publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000

Contract for Provision of Ferry Services - 2016-2024 - Clyde and Hebrides


Contract for the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services from 2017 - 2024

Media Results

SCANNER Research


Collaborative research with UK Department for Transport and Consortium for Highway Condition Surveys (CHiCS) and led by Surrey County Council into three areas: Optimising the Consistency of SCANNER data; Review the appropriateness of SCANNER RCI Reporting and Review of SCANNER Condition Parameters.

High speed friction assessment of TS2010


Study to carry out high-speed friction testing on a range of road surfacing used on the Scottish trunk road network.

Meeting papers - 13 June 2017 - Ardrossan Harbour Taskforce


We publish the minutes and agendas of the Taskforce meetings

Planning applications quarterly report - June 2017


Transport Scotland's performance responding to planning consultations is monitored, and results are published on a quarterly basis

Quarterly newsletter No. 7 - 2017 - AWPR


A quarterly newsletter will be available via local libraries throughout the north east

Forward look - July 2017 - Forth Replacement Crossing


We publish a rolling three-month programme of key construction activities across the main contracts on the Forth Replacement Crossing project

Environmental Baseline Report - June 2017 - A9 Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing


The environmental baseline conditions for the A9 Dualling - Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing

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