11629 results


Further £35.4 million to maintain bus services

News Item

The Scottish Government has approved additional expenditure of up to £35.4 million

Planning applications quarterly report - April 2021


Transport Scotland's performance responding to planning consultations is monitored, and results are published on a quarterly basis.

COVID-19 Transport Trend Data - 24 - 30 May 2021


Transport Scotland is monitoring transport trends during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Media Results

Traffic Regulation Order Review Consultation


Through this consultation, we wish to present proposals and gather evidence which will help inform our final decisions when considering a potential change in legislation.

Road Safety Strategic Partnership Board - meeting minutes - 28 April 2021


Meeting minutes from the Road Safety Strategic Partnership Board.

Over £1.2 million for cycling projects

News Item

New Transport Minister outlines support for Active Travel

COVID-19 Transport Trend Data - 17 - 23 May 2021


Transport Scotland is monitoring transport trends during the COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID-19 Public Attitudes Survey Data: Wave 17


Paid invoices - April 2021


Transport Scotland now publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000.

Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 6 May 2021


Regular meetings are held with Abellio ScotRail to discuss franchise performance and the minutes of these meetings are published.

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