5740 results from Articles


Frequently asked questions about the Scottish trunk road network


Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV)


The development and deployment of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles has the potential to bring transformative change to peoples’ lives.

A CAV Roadmap for Scotland


Setting out the future vision for how Scotland can benefit from and contribute to this innovative sector

Media Results

CAV Scotland summit


Our annual event brings together leaders in connected and autonomous vehicle technologies

Project CAVForth


A globally significant trial of autonomous buses operating across the Forth Road Bridge from 2020

M9 Winchburgh Junction


The new motorway junction at Winchburgh is being constructed to provide strategic access to its expanding community.

Protect Our Workforce campaign


Taking a zero tolerance approach to the abuse of Scotland's roadworkers.

Concessionary travel


Transport Scotland offer concessionary tickets to a variety of passengers on our transport networks. Use these pages to find out who is eligible and how to get these discounts.

60+ or disabled free bus travel


The National Entitlement Card allows disabled and elderly people in Scotland who meet the scheme eligibility criteria to travel for free on the nation’s bus networks

Ferry vouchers


​​Residents of the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland who have a National Entitlement Card can also get two free return ferry journeys to the mainland each year

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