The South East Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 6) Order 2024

The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have made the following Order temporarily prohibiting traffic, temporarily prohibiting overtaking and temporarily restricting the speed of vehicles on the lengths of road identified in this Notice.

The Order, which is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the lengths of road, will be in operation from 1st July 2024 until 1st October 2024, but the prohibitions and restrictions contained in the Order will only be operational when the appropriate traffic signs are displayed.

No prohibition in the Order applies to vehicles being used in an emergency for fire brigade, ambulance, police or coastguard purposes or vehicles being used for carrying out the works. No speed restriction imposed by the Order applies to vehicles being used in the service of the Special Forces or vehicles being used in an emergency for coastguard purposes.

Where the closure of a carriageway on a dual carriageway road is involved the alternative route for traffic in relation to the lengths of road affected by the Order will be signposted.

Detailed descriptions of the alternative routes and the works being carried out can also be obtained at the following offices:

Scottish Roads Partnership, 1E, Willow House, Kestrel View, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill, ML4 3PB, Telephone 0800 042 0188

For information about roadworks on motorways and trunk roads visit the Traffic Scotland website.

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers

Transport Scotland
George House
36 North Hanover Street
G1 2AD

Press Notice

The M8 (Newhouse to Easterhouse), M73 (Maryville to Mollinsburn), M74 (Daldowie to Hamilton), A8 (Newhouse to Bargeddie), A725 (Shawhead to Whistleberry), A7071 (Bellshill) Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No.2) Order 2024

The following lengths of the M8/A8/A8(M) Edinburgh – Greenock Trunk Road:

1. The M8 westbound on slip road at Junction 10 (Easterhouse), a distance of 450 metres or thereby.
2. The off slip road from the eastbound carriageway of the M8 to the southbound carriageway of the M73, a distance of 2.1 kilometres of thereby.
3. The on slip road from the Baillieston Interchange Roundabout to the eastbound carriageway of the M8, a distance of 718 metres or thereby.
4. The off slip road from the westbound carriageway of the M8 to the Baillieston Interchange Roundabout, a distance of 680 metres or thereby.
5. The on slip road from the northbound carriageway of the A725/A726 to the eastbound carriageway of the M8, a distance of 1.4 kilometres or thereby.
6. The slip road from the westbound carriageway of the M8 to the southbound carriageway of the A725/A726, a distance of 1 kilometres or thereby.
7. The off slip road from the eastbound carriageway of the M8 to the north roundabout at Eurocentral, a distance of 913 metres or thereby.
8. The on slip road from the south roundabout at Eurocentral to the westbound carriageway of the M8 a distance of 623 metres or thereby.
9. The off slip road from the eastbound carriageway of the M8 to the north roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 925 metres or thereby.
10. The on slip road from the south roundabout at Chapelhall to the westbound carriageway of the M8, a distance of 832 metres or thereby.
11. The westbound carriageway of the A8(M) from the point where the extended centreline of that carriageway intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the Baillieston Interchange Roundabout to the point where that carriageway merges with the circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout, a distance of 316 metres or thereby.
12. The eastbound carriageway of the A8(M) from the point where that carriageway merges with the circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout to the point where the extended centreline of the eastbound carriageway of the M8 intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the Baillieston Interchange Roundabout, a distance of 296 metres or thereby.
13. The circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout, a distance of 392 metres or thereby.
14. The westbound carriageway of the A8 from the point where the extended centreline of the westbound carriageway of the A8 intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout to a point 8 metres or thereby southeast of the point where the centreline of the westbound carriageway of the A8 intersects with the extended centreline of the road known as Ravenswood Road, Baillieston, a distance of 353 metres or thereby.
15. The eastbound carriageway of the A8 from a point 69 metres or thereby southeast of the point where the centreline of that carriageway intersects with the extended centreline of the road known as Swinton Avenue, Baillieston, to the point where the extended centreline of the eastbound carriageway of the A8 intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout, a distance of 322 metres or thereby.
16. The off slip road from the eastbound carriageway of the A8 to Newhouse Junction, a distance of 752 metres or thereby.
17. The on slip road from Newhouse Roundabout to the eastbound carriageway of the M8, a distance of 584 metres or thereby.
18. The on slip road from Newhouse Roundabout to the westbound carriageway of the A8, a distance of 977 metres or thereby.
19. The off slip road from the westbound carriageway of the M8 to Newhouse Junction, a distance of 643 metres or thereby.
20. The circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Chapelhall , a distance of 348 metres or thereby.
21. The northbound carriageway of Chapelhall North Link Road from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway at the north roundabout at Chapelhall, generally eastwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of B799 Bo’ness Road and B802 Woodhall Mill Road Roundabout, a distance of 251 metres or thereby.
22. The southbound carriageway of Chapelhall North Link Road from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway at B799 Bo’ness Road and B802 Woodhall Mill Road Roundabout generally south westwards, to where it meets the circulatory carriageway at the south roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 251 metres or thereby.
23. The southbound carriageway of Chapelhall Link Road from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Chapelhall generally southwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 147 metres or thereby.
24. The northbound carriageway of Chapelhall Link Road from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Chapelhall, generally northwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 157 metres or thereby.
25. The circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 353 metres or thereby.
26. The southbound carriageway of Chapelhall South Link Road from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Chapelhall, generally south eastwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of B799 Bo’ness Road and McNeil Drive Roundabout, a distance of 238 metres or thereby.
27. The northbound carriageway of Chapelhall South Link Road from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of B799 Bo’ness Road and McNeil Drive Roundabout, generally north westwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of the South Roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 239 metres or thereby.
28. The circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Eurocentral, a distance of 284 metres or thereby.
29. The southbound carriageway of the Eurocentral overbridge, a distance of 164 metres or thereby.
30. The northbound carriageway of the Eurocentral overbridge, a distance of 169 metres or thereby.
31. The circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Eurocentral, a distance of 295 metres or thereby.
32. The eastbound carriageway from the point where the extended centreline of that carriageway intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout to a point where the extended centreline of the eastbound carriageway of the A8 intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout at the junction of the A8 and the A89 Coatbridge Road, a distance of 844 metres or thereby.
33. The westbound carriageway from a point where the extended centreline of that carriageway intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout at the junction of the A8 and the A89 Coatbridge Road to the point where the extended centreline of the westbound carriageway of the A8 intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the Swinton Roundabout, a distance of 765 metres or thereby.
34. The circulatory carriageway of the roundabout situated at the junction of the A8 and the A89 Coatbridge Road, a distance of 254 metres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking.

35. The eastbound carriageway of the M8 from a point directly under the centreline of the eastbound A8 (Baillieston), generally eastwards to a point directly over the centreline of the west side of the A73 Newhouse Roundabout, a distance of 10.8 kilometres or thereby.
36. The westbound carriageway of the M8 from a point directly over the centreline of the west side of the A73 Newhouse Roundabout generally westwards to a point directly under the centreline of the Eastbound A8 (Baillieston), a distance of 10.8 kilometres or thereby.
37. The eastbound carriageway of the A8 from a point directly over the centreline of the circulatory carriageway on the west side of the A73 Newhouse Roundabout generally eastwards to where it merges with the eastbound carriageway of the M8 at Newhouse, a distance of 1.8 kilometres or thereby.
38. The westbound carriageway of the A8 from where it diverges from the M8 at Newhouse, generally westwards to a point directly over the centreline of the circulatory carriageway on the west side of the A73 Newhouse Roundabout, a distance of 1.8 kilometres or thereby.
39. The eastbound carriageway of the A8 from where the extended centreline of that carriageway intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout situated at the junction of the A8 and the A89 Coatbridge Road, generally eastwards, to a point over the centreline of the A752 Aitkenhead Road, a distance of 1.6 kilometres or thereby.
40. The westbound carriageway of the A8 from a point over the centreline of the A752 Aitkenhead Road, generally westwards, to where the extended centreline of that carriageway intersects with the centreline of the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout situated at the junction of the A8 and the A89 Coatbridge Road, a distance of 1.63 kilometres or thereby.
41. The eastbound carriageway of the A8 from a point directly under the central reservation of the A725/A726 Shawhead – East Kilbride – Phillipshill Roundabout Trunk Road, generally eastwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Eurocentral, a distance of 2.45 kilometres or thereby.
42. The westbound carriageway of the A8 from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Eurocentral, generally westwards to a point directly below the central reservation of the A725/A726 Shawhead – East Kilbride – Phillipshill Roundabout Trunk Road, a distance of 2.45 kilometres or thereby.
43. The eastbound carriageway of the A8 from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Eurocentral, generally eastwards to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Chapelhall, a distance of 1.34 kilometres or thereby.
44. The westbound carriageway of the A8 from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Chapelhall, generally westwards, to where it meets the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Eurocentral, a distance of 1.36 kilometres or thereby.
45. The eastbound carriageway of the A8 from where it diverges the circulatory carriageway of the north roundabout at Chapelhall, generally eastwards to a point directly over the centreline of the circulatory carriageway on the west side of the A73 Newhouse Roundabout, a distance of 2.1 kilometres or thereby.
46. The westbound carriageway of the A8 from a point directly over the centreline of the circulatory carriageway on the west side of the A73 Newhouse Roundabout, generally westwards to where it merges with the circulatory carriageway of the south roundabout at Chapelhall , a distance of 2.1 kilometres or thereby.
Prohibitions of use and overtaking; and a 40mph speed restriction.

The following length of the M73 Maryville – Mollinsburn Trunk Road:
47. The slip road from Daldowie Junction to the Northbound carriageway of the M73, a distance of 469 metres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking.

The following length of the M74/A74(M) Glasgow – Carlisle Trunk Road:
48. The slip road from the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road to the northbound carriageway of the M74, a distance of 961 metres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking.

The following lengths of the A725/A726 Shawhead – East Kilbride – Phillipshill Roundabout Trunk Road:
49. The slip road from the northbound carriageway of the A725/A726 to the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road, a distance of 330 metres or thereby.
50. The slip road from the northbound carriageway of the A725/A726 to the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road from a point on that slip road directly opposite the junction of the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road with the unnamed road which runs in a north-south direction parallel to Clydeview Street in a north easterly then north westerly direction to a point 39 metres or thereby east of where the extended centreline of that slip road intersects with the centreline of the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road, a distance of 44 metres or thereby.
51. The circulatory carriageway of the Raith Roundabout, a distance of 802 metres or thereby.
52. The slip road from the Raith Roundabout to the northbound carriageway of the A725/A726, a distance of 880 metres or thereby.
53. The slip road from the southbound carriageway of the A725/A726 to the Raith Roundabout, a distance of 460 metres or thereby.
54. The slip road from the Raith Roundabout to the southbound carriageway of the A725/A726, a distance of 431 metres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking.

55. The southbound carriageway from a point 263 metres or thereby northeast of the point where the slip road to Diamond Junction diverges from the southbound carriageway, generally southwards to a point under the centreline of James Street at Diamond Junction, a distance of 550 metres or thereby.
56. The northbound carriageway from a point under the centreline of James Street at Diamond Junction, generally northwards to a point 61 metres or thereby northeast of the point where the slip road from Diamond Junction to the northbound carriageway merges with that carriageway, a distance of 550 metres or thereby.
57. The southbound carriageway from a point directly over the centreline of the northbound on/off slip road at Orbiston Junction, generally southwards to a point 573 metres or thereby south of a point directly below the centreline of the circulatory carriageway at the south side of Raith Roundabout, a distance of 2.1 kilometres or thereby.
58. The northbound carriageway from a point 573 metres or thereby south of a point directly below the centreline of the circulatory carriageway at the south side of Raith Interchange, generally northwards to a point directly over the centreline of the northbound on/off slip road at Orbiston Junction, a distance of 2.1 kilometres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking; a 40mph speed restriction and a 10mph speed restriction when there is a convoy in operation.
59. The southbound carriageway from a point 42 metres or thereby south of the centrepoint of the junction of the A725/A726, Hagmill Road and Kirkshaws Road, to a point 263 metres or thereby northeast of the point where the slip road to Diamond Junction diverges from the southbound carriageway, a distance of 1.4 kilometres or thereby.
60. The northbound carriageway from a point 61 metres or thereby northeast of the point where the slip road from Diamond Junction to the northbound carriageway merges with that carriageway, to a point 42 metres or thereby southwest of the centrepoint of the junction of the A725/A726, Hagmill Road and Kirkshaws Road, a distance of 1.4 kilometres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking; a 30mph speed restriction and a 10mph speed restriction when there is a convoy in operation.

The following lengths of the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road:
61. The northbound carriageway from a point 13 metres or thereby northeast of where the extended centreline of that carriageway intersects with the centreline of the B7071 Hamilton Road to a point where the northbound carriageway of the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road meets the circulatory carriageway of the Raith Roundabout, a distance of 635 metres or thereby.
62. The southbound carriageway from the point where that carriageway diverges from the circulatory carriageway of the Raith Roundabout to a point 15 metres or thereby northeast of where the centreline of the B7071 Hamilton Road intersects with the extended centreline of the southbound carriageway of the A7071 Bellshill Trunk Road, a distance of 636 metres or thereby.
Prohibitions on use and overtaking.

Start date 1 Jul 2024 End date 2 Oct 2024 Status Region Mode of transport