The North West Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 5) Order 2019

The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have made the following Orders temporarily prohibiting traffic, temporarily prohibiting overtaking and temporarily restricting the speed of vehicles on the lengths of road identified in this Notice.

The Orders, which are required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the lengths of road, will be in operation from 1 June 2019 until 1 September 2019, unless otherwise stated, but will only have effect in relation to such part or parts of the lengths of road as indicated by the appropriate traffic signs. The provisions relating to temporary prohibitions of traffic do not apply to vehicles being used in an emergency for fire brigade, ambulance, police or coastguard purposes or vehicles used for carrying out the works. There are no exemptions for those vehicles in respect of temporary prohibitions of overtaking and temporary speed restrictions unless otherwise provided by law. The provisions relating to temporary speed restrictions do not apply to vehicles being used in the service of the Special Forces.

Where the closure of a carriageway on a dual carriageway road is involved the alternative route for traffic will be the adjacent carriageway by means of contraflow working. Other alternative route or routes for traffic in relation to the lengths of road affected by the Orders during a prohibition will be signposted. Detailed descriptions of the alternative routes and the works being carried out can also be obtained at the following offices:

  • For the North West and North East Units: BEAR Scotland Limited, Inveralmond Road, Perth PH1 3TW Telephone 01738 448 600
  • For the South East Unit: Amey, 6A Dryden Road, Bilston Glen, Midlothian EH20 9TY Telephone 07912 970 870
  • For South East entries 37, 52 to 62 and 64: BEAR Scotland Ltd, M80 DBFO, Inveralmond Road, Perth PH1 3TW Telephone 01738 448 600
  • For South East entries 33 to 36: Amey, Forth Bridges Operating Company, Road Bridge Administration Office, South Queensferry, West Lothian EH30 9SF Telephone 0131 319 1699

For information about roadworks on motorways and trunk roads visit

Member of the Staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
Glasgow G4 0HF

Start date 1 Jun 2019 End date 1 Sep 2019 Status Region