The A83 Trunk Road (Furnace to Cumlodden) (Temporary 40mph Speed Restriction) Order 2017

The Scottish Ministers hereby give notice that they have made the above Order, under sections 2(1), 4(1) and 14(1)(b) and (4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, which will have the effect of imposing a 40mph speed restriction on that length of the A83 Tarbet - Lochgilphead - Campbeltown Trunk Road from a point 1.242 kilometres or thereby south west of the extended centre line of the junction with the C36 Furnace Side Road to a point 130 metres or thereby south west of the point where it meets the extended western gable wall of Number 1 Cumlodden Cottages a distance of 1.558 kilometres or thereby.

The order is required following the speed limit review conducted by Transport Scotland which concluded that the speed on this stretch of road should be reduced for road safety reasons. A permanent traffic regulation order will be made to permanently reduce the speed on this stretch of road.  However to reduce the danger to the public pending the permanent order coming into force a temporary reduction is required.

Alternative Routes

An alternative route for traffic during the restriction is not required.

For information about road works on motorways and trunk roads visit

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
Glasgow G4 0HF

Start date 8 Aug 2017 End date 28 Feb 2019 Status Region Mode of transport