The A78 Trunk Road (Open Golf Championship, Dundonald) (Temporary 40mph Speed Restriction) Order 2017

The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have made the above Order under sections 2(1), 4(1) and 14(1)(b) and (4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984(a), temporarily imposing a 40mph speed restriction on that length of the A78 Greenock – Prestwick Trunk Road, near Irvine, from a point 298 metres or thereby south of the commencement of the off slip to the A759 North to a point 335 metres or thereby south of the commencement of the off slip to A71, a distance of 4.3 kilometres or thereby.

The Order, which is required for the purpose of preventing danger to the public during the Open Golf Championship being held at Dundonald, will be in operation from 11 July 2017 until 18 July 2017 but will only have effect in relation to such part or parts of the length of road as are indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.

For more information about roadworks on motorways and trunk roads visit

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
Glasgow G4 0HF


Start date 11 Jul 2017 End date 18 Jul 2017 Status Region Mode of transport