A77 Trunk Road (Auchencrosh to Ballantrae) (40mph Speed Limit) Order (2019)

The Scottish Ministers hereby give notice that they propose to make the above Order under section 84(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, which will have the effect of imposing a 40mph speed limit on that length of the A77 Glasgow – Stranraer Trunk Road from a point 50 metres or thereby north of The Kennels, northwards to a point 88 metres or thereby south of the southern end of the bridge parapet of Ballantrae Bridge, a distance of 4118 metres or thereby.

Full details of the proposal are contained in the Order which, together with a plan showing the length of road involved and a statement of the Scottish Ministers’ reasons for proposing to make the Order, may be examined free of charge during normal business hours from 10 September until 14 October 2019 at the offices of Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, 5th floor reception, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF; and The Post Office, Ballantrae, 38B Main St, Ballantrae, Girvan KA26 0NB.

Any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for objection in writing to the Director of  Roads, c/o Nicole Irvine, Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF quoting reference SW/A77/NI by 14 October 2019.

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
G4 0HF

Start date 10 Sep 2019 End date 14 Oct 2019 Status Region