1750 Publications

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Tier 1 SEA Environmental Report - A96 Dualling Inverness to Aberdeen

19 Sep 2014

The first SEA Environmental Report detailing the outcome of the Tier 1 assessment was published for consultation on 25 September 2014 and the consultation closed on 6 November 2014

Strategic Business Case - September 2014 - A96 Inverness to Aberdeen

17 Sep 2014

Building on the evidence base of the Strategic Transport Projects Review, this Strategic Business case looks at the growing economic and transport demands for the A96 Inverness to Aberdeen corridor

Gourock-Dunoon Ferry Service: Feasibility Study - Technical notes

9 Sep 2014

These technical notes were work-in-progress and presented initial analysis which was subsequently revised in the light of new information and comments received

Paid Invoices - August 2014

1 Sep 2014

Transport Scotland now publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000

Concessionary Travel - Customer Feedback Research Year Two Report

15 Aug 2014

Statistical Bulletin Transport Series: Trn / 2014/ 3: Transport and Travel in Scotland 2013

13 Aug 2014

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

Transport and Travel in Scotland 2013 - Datasets

13 Aug 2014

Paid Invoices - July 2014

1 Aug 2014

Transport Scotland now publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000

Project newsletter - Autumn 2014 - M8 M73 M74

1 Aug 2014

Full business case - July 2014 - Caledonian Sleeper

31 Jul 2014

Prepared by Atkins, Ernst & Young and Transport Scotland, this is a redacted version (with commercially confidential information redacted) suitable for publication

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