1750 Publications

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Bus Services in Scotland - Improving the Framework for Delivery - Analysis of Responses to the Consultation

9 Mar 2018

This report analyses and summarises responses that were received through a Scottish Government consultation on the shape of the regulatory framework for bus services in Scotland

The Future Of Smart Ticketing In Scotland - Analysis of Responses to the Consultation

9 Mar 2018

This report analyses and summarises responses that were received through a Scottish Government consultation on the future of smart ticketing in Scotland

M80 DBFO – Year 5 Noise Assessment

6 Mar 2018

The year five noise assessment for the M80 motorway between Stepps and Haggs

Summary report - Public exhibitions - December 2017 - Killiecrankie to Glen Garry - A9 Dualling

2 Mar 2018

A summary of the Draft Orders exhibitions and any feedback received in the Killiecrankie Village Hall on 13 December and Blair Atholl Village Hall on 14 December 2017.

Star Path: Photo Luminescent Road Markings: Trial Study

1 Mar 2018

The aim of this study is to follow on from suggestions given in the ‘X-Route’ report and the CH2MHILL ‘Glowing Roads’ study, to research, trial and evaluate the viability of a glow in the dark strategy as an improvement to active travel routes in Scotland.

SRRB – Final Assessment of Geometric Layout of Type A Lay-bys

1 Mar 2018

The purpose of this study is to investigate the implications related to changing the geometry, in particular the layout on both the merge and diverge tapers as a result of increasing the segregation island width. The findings should provide benefit not just for the A9 Dualling project, but for lay-by designs on the whole trunk road network.

Monitoring and modelling landslides in Scotland

1 Mar 2018

Landslides can cause potentially costly damage and disruption to Scottish road infrastructure. This report builds on previous work on debris flows in Scotland.

Scottish Transport Statistics - No 36 - Datasets

28 Feb 2018

Scottish Transport Statistics No 36 - Datasets

Scottish Transport  Statistics, No 36, 2017 Edition

28 Feb 2018

The 2017 edition of Scottish Transport Statistics - the thirty sixth publication in the series

Route option drop in session materials - Feb 2018 - Hardmuir to Fochabers - A96 Dualling

27 Feb 2018

Materials presented at the route option drop in sessions in February / March 2018

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