784 Publications

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Dealing with coal tar bound arisings

9 Jan 2018

Second and more detailed phase of research study to produce updated national guidance for all roads authorities and statutory undertakers on to deal safely and cost effectively with tar bound arisings.

Planning applications quarterly report - December 2017

29 Dec 2017

Transport Scotland's performance responding to planning consultations is monitored, and results are published on a quarterly basis

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement - Local Authorities - Income and Expenditure - 2016 To 2017

21 Dec 2017

A local authority operating a DPE regime must keep an account of their income and expenditure in respect of designated parking places and additional parking charges, in the permitted and special parking areas

Ferry services procurement policy review - Interim report - Emerging findings - 20 December 2017

20 Dec 2017

This interim report on the future approach to the procurement of ferry services describes the legal, policy and financial implications that have been considered to date

Carbon Account for Transport No 9: 2017 Edition - PDF only

18 Dec 2017

The Carbon Account for Transport provides a balance sheet for Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015, and the impacts of transport related policies and projects expected to affect these emissions

Carbon Account For Transport Volume 9, 2017

18 Dec 2017

The Carbon Account for Transport provides a balance sheet for Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2015, and the impacts of transport related policies and projects expected to affect these emissions

Transport Scotland Corporate Plan 2017–20

24 Nov 2017

The work that we'll be doing to set Scotland on the path to having a world-class and innovative transport network, building on our developing reputation for delivering truly transformational projects and programmes for the benefit of the economy and society

Staff Survey 2017

16 Nov 2017

Our annual staff survey results for 2017

Route Safety Strategy

9 Nov 2017

Research project to investigate whether there are any policies, strategies or mitigations adopted within Norway and Sweden which, historically, have a better record of road safety than Scotland that could influence road safety trends in Scotland.

Future intelligent transport systems strategy

1 Nov 2017

This Future ITS Strategy frames Transport Scotland’s agenda for trunk roads and motorway ITS over the next ten years and beyond

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