784 Publications

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Analysis of Responses from the Consultation - March 2018 - Raising Standards and Improving the Quality of Road Works in Scotland

16 Mar 2018

This report summarises the responses received to the Consultation on Raising Standards and Improving the Quality of Road Works in Scotland

Analysis Report - Consultation on Building Scotland’s Low Emission Zones

13 Mar 2018

This report is an analysis of responses to the Building Scotland’s Low Emission Zones Consultation which sought feedback on the Scottish Government’s proposals to introduce Low Emission Zones in Scotland

Bus Services in Scotland - Improving the Framework for Delivery - Analysis of Responses to the Consultation

9 Mar 2018

This report analyses and summarises responses that were received through a Scottish Government consultation on the shape of the regulatory framework for bus services in Scotland

The Future Of Smart Ticketing In Scotland - Analysis of Responses to the Consultation

9 Mar 2018

This report analyses and summarises responses that were received through a Scottish Government consultation on the future of smart ticketing in Scotland

Summary report - Public exhibitions - December 2017 - Killiecrankie to Glen Garry - A9 Dualling

2 Mar 2018

A summary of the Draft Orders exhibitions and any feedback received in the Killiecrankie Village Hall on 13 December and Blair Atholl Village Hall on 14 December 2017.

Star Path: Photo Luminescent Road Markings: Trial Study

1 Mar 2018

The aim of this study is to follow on from suggestions given in the ‘X-Route’ report and the CH2MHILL ‘Glowing Roads’ study, to research, trial and evaluate the viability of a glow in the dark strategy as an improvement to active travel routes in Scotland.

SRRB – Final Assessment of Geometric Layout of Type A Lay-bys

1 Mar 2018

The purpose of this study is to investigate the implications related to changing the geometry, in particular the layout on both the merge and diverge tapers as a result of increasing the segregation island width. The findings should provide benefit not just for the A9 Dualling project, but for lay-by designs on the whole trunk road network.

Monitoring and modelling landslides in Scotland

1 Mar 2018

Landslides can cause potentially costly damage and disruption to Scottish road infrastructure. This report builds on previous work on debris flows in Scotland.

Borders Railway Year 2 - Survey of users and non-users - February 2018

26 Feb 2018

The primary aim of this research is to build upon the results of the Stage 1 Evaluation (completed in 2016) and further develop understanding of the extent to which the Borders Railway is on track to meet its Investment Objectives

Borders Railway Year 2 - Evaluation - Survey of users and non-users - February 2018

26 Feb 2018

The aim of this research was to complete a repeat of the Stage 1 Evaluation two years after the re-opening of the Borders Railway

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