784 Publications

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Scottish Safety Camera Programme - Annual Progress Report 2017/18

27 Sep 2018

As part of the performance management responsibilities, this annual report is the third produced by the Programme Office, informed largely by information submitted by the three regional Safety Camera Units

Transport Scotland Section 70 return - 2017-18

5 Sep 2018

Ministers are required to report to Parliament on the expenditure incurred each year under section 70 of the Transport Scotland Act 2001

Official list of trunk roads

3 Sep 2018

The official list of trunk roads as at 3 September 2018

Summary report - Public exhibitions - January 2018 - Pitlochry to Killiecrankie - A9 Dualling

6 Aug 2018

A summary of the Draft Orders exhibitions and any feedback received in the Pitlochry Town Hall on 17 and 18 January 2018

SQUIRE all stations report - 3 August 2018

3 Aug 2018

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for the year

SQUIRE all trains report - 3 August 2018

3 Aug 2018

SQUIRE Q1 2018-19 percentage performance figures

3 Aug 2018

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for the year.

Free Bus Travel for Older and Disabled People and Modern Apprentices - Analysis of Responses to the Consultation

2 Aug 2018

Quarterly newsletter No. 10 - 2018 - AWPR

1 Aug 2018

Aberdeen Roads Limited is committed to keeping local communities and businesses informed of its progress on the AWPR/B-T.

Draft Orders Public Exhibition Summary Report - Glen Garry to Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore - A9 Dualling

4 Jul 2018

A summary of the Glen Garry to Dalwhinnie and the Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore Draft Orders Public Exhibitions, 17-18 Jan 2018

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