784 Publications

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Scottish trunk road network map

22 Feb 2019

Map of the Scottish trunk road network

Speed Management Techniques for Principal Roads in Urban Settings

19 Feb 2019

This research has the aim of reviewing the use of speed management measures on trunk roads in urban areas

Electronic Data Monitoring of Resurfacing Works

12 Feb 2019

This research is a review of methods currently in use for specifying electronic data capture for qualitycontrol and as-built record collection purposes. The aim is to identify best practice already being used in other countries with respect to data capture technologies and to align with SRRB’s delivery priorities.

Public Inquiry documents - March 2019 - Pitlochry to Killiecrankie - A9 Dualling

7 Feb 2019

A Public Inquiry will be held on Thursday 7, Friday 8 March 2019, and Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 March 2019

Seatbelt and Mobile Phone Usage Survey Scotland, 2017

7 Feb 2019

This bulletin provides statistics on the proportion of vehicle occupants observed wearing seatbelts and drivers using mobile phones from a roadside observation survey commissioned jointly by Transport Scotland and the Department for Transport in 2017

An analysis of early-life skid resistance of SMAs on the Scottish trunk road network

1 Feb 2019

Planning Applications Annual Report – 2018

31 Jan 2019

Annual performance statistics in responding to both Major and Minor planning applications within the appropriate timescales

Scottish Trunk Road Network Asset Management Strategy: November 2018

24 Jan 2019

The Asset Management Strategy demonstrates how our Asset Management Policy is delivered and how we will continually improve our approach to asset management

SQUIRE Q3 2018-19 percentage performance figures

11 Jan 2019

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for the year

SQUIRE all stations report - 11 January 2019

11 Jan 2019

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for the year

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