784 Publications

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Project newsletter - Winter 2018 - Luncarty to Pass of Birnam - A9 Dualling

2 May 2019

The latest project newsletter for the Luncarty to Pass of Birnam section of the A9 Dualling programme

Strategies for Managing Hazardous Slopes

1 May 2019

Follow on project to implement a novel multi-level modular monitoring system to detect landslide activity prior to, during and after landslide events. The aim is to produce a business case for appropriate monitoring to enable cost-effective management of hazardous slopes in Scotland.

Online at Inverurie - Dualling Feasibility and Appraisal - East of Huntly to Aberdeen - A96 Dualling

15 Apr 2019

This report records the decision to de-select online dualling of the A96 through Inverurie as an option for the A96 Dualling East of Huntly to Aberdeen scheme

Scotland’s Railway (Control Period 6: 2019 - 2024)

26 Mar 2019

The Scottish Government is committed to investing in a strong, sustainable railway that meets future demand

Contract documents - A9 Berriedale Braes

26 Mar 2019

Contract documents - A92 A96 Haudagain Improvement

22 Mar 2019

DMRB Stage 2 Assessment Report - Dalraddy to Slochd - A9 Dualling

12 Mar 2019

Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Stage 2 Assessment for the Dalraddy to Slochd section of the A9 Dualling programme

Highway Through History

11 Mar 2019

An archaeological journey on the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route

Borders transport corridors - Pre-appraisal

5 Mar 2019

The purpose of this study was to consider accessibility provided to Scottish Borders communities to link to the strategic transport networks, and identify where improvements are required

Public consultation analysis report - Motorsports on closed public roads

25 Feb 2019

We had over 3,700 responses to this national consultation - this report gives the analysis of those responses

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