784 Publications

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Corporate Procurement Strategy 2020

29 Oct 2020

Transport Scotland’s Procurement Strategy is aligned to its Corporate plan and sets out the strategic direction of Transport Scotland’s procurement activity for 2020.

Transporting Scotland's Trade - 2020 edition

26 Oct 2020

A summary of statistics on Scotland’s key exports and imports and how they are transported to, from and within Scotland.

Transport and Works (Scotland) Annual Report 2020

21 Oct 2020

No reportable activity occurred within the reporting period between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020.

Lessons Learned from the Forth Replacement Crossing Project 2007 to 2017

16 Oct 2020

Noting the extent and scale of the work required to complete each stage of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

Planning applications quarterly report – June 2020

13 Oct 2020

Transport Scotland's performance responding to planning consultations is monitored, and results are published on a quarterly basis.

Transport Transition - EQIA Interim Update: September 2020

12 Oct 2020

An interim update on the findings from the consultation and engagement in support of the Transport Transition Plan.

The Disabled Persons' Parking Places (Scotland) Act 2009 Annual Report On Local Authorities Functions: 2019-2020

30 Sep 2020

The Disabled Persons’ Parking Places (Scotland) Act 2009 places a duty on local authorities and the Scottish Ministers to publish annual performance reports.

Carbon Account for Transport - No. 12: 2020 Edition

30 Sep 2020

Providing a balance sheet for Scotland's greenhouse gas emissions due to transport.

Travel and Transport in Scotland Key Findings | 2019

24 Sep 2020

Key findings from the Transport and Travel in Scotland 2019.

Scottish Safety Camera Programme - Annual Progress Report 2019/20

23 Sep 2020

As part of the performance management responsibilities, this annual report is informed largely by information submitted by the three regional Safety Camera Units

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