784 Publications

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Annual Report and Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2021

15 Dec 2021

The 2020-21 Annual Report and Accounts for Transport Scotland presents a review of the Agency’s performance during the year, together with the audited accounts for the year.

STAG Appraisal – Preliminary Appraisal Report - November 2021 - A9 - North Kessock to Tore study

10 Dec 2021

Workplace Parking Licensing - Regulations and Guidance - Consultation Analysis Report

7 Dec 2021

The report sets out analysis undertaken of responses received to the Scottish Government public consultation on Workplace Parking Licensing regulations and guidance.

Consultation Report – Spring 2021 Public Consultation on the Preferred Route Corridor – A83 Access to Argyll & Bute

3 Dec 2021

A summary of feedback on the public consultation on the preferred route corridor and five possible route option.

A83 Access to Argyll and Bute - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) - Post Adoption Statement

30 Nov 2021

This Post Adoption Statement reports how environmental considerations have been integrated into the project, and how consultation feedback has been taken into account.

Skills for low carbon Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs)

19 Nov 2021

This study provides a solid evidence-base to understand the skills that will be required to support the transition to low carbon HDVs.

COVID-19 - Trends in transport and travel in Scotland during the first year of the pandemic

27 Oct 2021

This report highlights the key trends in transport and travel in Scotland for the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

A9 North Kessock to Tore - Public Consultation Report

15 Oct 2021

We've published the findings of the public consultation on options for the A9 between North Kessock junction and Tore roundabout.

Corporate Procurement Strategy 2021

5 Oct 2021

Transport Scotland, in line with the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, has reported on its strategic direction of their procurement activity for 2021-2022 in support of the Scottish Government’s goals

Transport and Works (Scotland) Annual Report 2021

30 Sep 2021

No reportable activity occurred within the reporting period between 1 August 2020 and 31 July 2021

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