573 Publications

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ScotFLAG Urban Freight meeting minutes - 24 March 2016

24 Mar 2016

Minutes of ScotFLAG subgroup meetings to discuss specific issues

Strategic Road Safety Plan 2016

23 Mar 2016

The Strategic Road Safety Plan sets out how Transport Scotland delivers road safety on the trunk road network

Departures from Standard - Advice and Procedures Guide

15 Mar 2016

The procedures to be followed by Design Organisations when seeking TS Standards Branch consideration of a DMRB and MCHW Departure from Standard affecting a trunk road or motorway

Trunk Road and Motorway Tourist Signposting Guidance

15 Mar 2016

For tourist attractions and tourist facilities

Locating Underground Drainage Apparatus

14 Mar 2016

This project seeks to review the existing technologies in this country and across the globe which are used to detect and survey underground drainage apparatus.

Quarterly newsletter No. 3 - 2016 - AWPR

1 Mar 2016

A quarterly newsletter will be available via local libraries throughout the north east

Post Adoption Statement - Tier 2 SEA Environmental Report - A96 Dualling Inverness to Aberdeen

26 Feb 2016

This statement is the last formal output of the SEA process for the Dualling Programme and outlines how the assessment findings and the comments received through the consultation process have been taken into account

Evaluation of Scottish Road Safety Week Pilot

25 Feb 2016

This report presents the findings of an evaluation to assess the possible impact the pilot might have had in realising the aims of SRSW and to provide evidence to help inform whether there may be value in developing SRSW as a regular initiative to support the co-ordination and delivery of road safety themed activity across Scotland’s delivery partnerships

Blue Badge Scheme Equality Impact Assessment

8 Feb 2016

The Scottish Government undertook an EQIA as part of the process to develop policy on extending eligibility, via an application to the local authority, to people who have cognitive impairments who have no awareness of danger from traffic and are likely to compromise their safety, or the safety of others as result

Road Asset Management Plan for Scottish Trunk Roads, January 2016

25 Jan 2016

Setting out the level of service we intend to provide on the trunk road network, alongside the work and investment required to achieve this

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