573 Publications

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DMRB Stage 2 Assessment Report - A720 Sheriffhall Roundabout

6 Jun 2017

The Stage 2 assessment is now complete and has identified that Option B is the preferred option

Forward look - June 2017 - Forth Replacement Crossing

2 Jun 2017

We publish a rolling three-month programme of key construction activities across the main contracts on the Forth Replacement Crossing project

National Transport Strategy Early Engagement Consultation Survey

1 Jun 2017

The early engagement consultation survey was carried out to shape the key themes of the National Transport Strategy review and inform wider engagement. It was launched in Dec 2016 and closed in Mar 2017. This analysis of responses was produced by Lucy Robertson of Craigforth for Transport Scotland.

Plans and drawings - Public drop in - May 2017 - Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore - A9 Dualling

23 May 2017

Plans and drawings that were presented at the public drop in for the Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore section of the A9 Dualling programme, in May 2017

Public Information Drawings - May 17 - Tomatin to Moy - A9 Dualling

18 May 2017

Public Information Drawings for the Tomatin to Moy section of the A9 Dualling programme

Certification of dedicated gas buses as Low Carbon Emission Bus Guidance for bus manufacturers

10 May 2017

Guidance for Bus Manufacturers related to the Scottish Green Bus Fund

The Road Works (Qualifications of Operatives and Supervisors) (Scotland) Regulations 2017

9 May 2017

SSI, BRIA and guidance notes on the regulations

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement – Guide for Local Authorities

27 Apr 2017

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) is a regime which enables a local authority to administer its own parking penalties, including the issuing of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to vehicles.

Quarterly newsletter No. 6 - 2017 - AWPR

27 Mar 2017

A quarterly newsletter will be available via local libraries throughout the north east

The Value of the Trunk Road Network to Society and the Economy in Scotland

13 Mar 2017

This report contains the results of new research that estimates the economic and societal contribution made by Scotland’s Trunk Road Network

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