573 Publications

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Exhibition materials - Public information events - October/November 2018 - KIlliecrankie to Glen Garry - A9 Dualling

31 Oct 2018

Materials presented at the public information events held on 31 October and 1 November 2018 in Killiecrankie Village Hall

Meeting papers - 28 March 2018 - Islands Transport Forum

29 Oct 2018

The Islands Transport Forum - which includes representatives from local authorities and regional transport partnerships – was convened as part of the work outlined by the Empowering Scotland’s Island Communities prospectus

Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2017

24 Oct 2018

A National Statistics publication for Scotland

Project newsletter - Autumn 2018 - Luncarty to Pass of Birnam - A9 Dualling

23 Oct 2018

The latest project newsletter for the Luncarty to Pass of Birnam section of the A9 Dualling programme

Transport Forecasts 2018

22 Oct 2018

Travel demand forecasts from our Land-use and Transport models

Annual report on Local Authorities’ functions: 2017-18 - Disabled Persons’ Parking Places (Scotland) Act 2009

2 Oct 2018

The Disabled Persons’ Parking Places (Scotland) Act 2009 places a duty on local authorities and the Scottish Ministers to publish annual performance reports

Scottish Safety Camera Programme - Annual Progress Report 2017/18

27 Sep 2018

As part of the performance management responsibilities, this annual report is the third produced by the Programme Office, informed largely by information submitted by the three regional Safety Camera Units

Public exhibition materials - September 2018 - Dalraddy to Slochd - A9 Dualling

20 Sep 2018

Public exhibitions in September 2018 for the A9 Dualling project between Dalraddy to Slochd

Draft Orders and Environmental Statement - Crubenmore to Kincraig - A9 Dualling

4 Sep 2018

The draft Orders and Environmental Statement for the A9 Dualling Crubenmore to Kincraig project

BRIA - Final - August 2018 - Smart Ticketing - Transport Bill

4 Sep 2018

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) - The Future of Smart Ticketing in Scotland – Transport (Scotland) Bill measures

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