93 Publications

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National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board - Work Programme 2024-28

21 Aug 2024

The National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board (NSTAB) advises Scottish Ministers on the future of smart ticketing in Scotland.

Public and Virtual Exhibitions - June/July 2024 - Aviemore to Carrbridge Non-Motorised User - Exhibition Panels

5 Jun 2024

These are materials from the public and virtual exhibitions for the Aviemore to Carrbridge Non-Motorised User route.

Scottish Road Users’ Awareness of Highway Code Rules Relating to Vulnerable Road Users

31 May 2024

This is an evaluation by Cycling Scotland which was supported through the Road Safety Framework Fund in 2023/24.

“There’s an app for that!” - Women’s Safety on Public Transport in Scotland

10 May 2024

This report arises from three-month internship building upon recommendations from our 2023 Women’s safety report.

Scottish Transport Statistics 2023

27 Mar 2024

Community Street Audit Evaluation - Evaluating Sixteen Community Street and School Route Audits across Scotland - Final Road Safety Report

26 Feb 2024

The project independently reviewed sixteen street audits delivered by Living Streets Scotland since 2014. While there are sixteen projects included in the evaluation, six had two audits resulting in twenty-two Community street audits and School route audits.

Population and Household Location Choice Research

16 Feb 2024

A literature review and survey on how Physical Mobility and Digital Connectivity affect location decision for people and businesses.

Guidance on Inclusive Design for Town Centres and Busy Streets

11 Jan 2024

This document aims to support inclusive design and engagement processes that deliver accessible town centre and busy street environments for everyone.

Disability Equality Scotland: Accessible Travel Framework: Evaluation Research Project Report

18 Dec 2023

Disability Equality Scotland were commissioned by Transport Scotland to conduct this review of the progress of the Accessible Travel Framework (ATF) published in 2016.

National Transport Strategy: Report to Parliament

8 Dec 2023

This report provides an overview of the continued commitment to the Strategy and, as detailed in the publication of our annual Delivery Plans, the actions being taken by the Scottish Government to deliver the vision and priorities for transport.

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