1750 Publications

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Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23

18 Sep 2023

The 2022-23 Annual Report and Accounts presents a review of the Agency’s performance, together with the audited accounts for the year

Transport Scotland Directors Register of Interests 2022-23

18 Sep 2023

Interests held by Transport Scotland Directors, in post as at 31 March 2023

SQUIRE performance report - Period five 2023/24 - Caledonian Sleeper

11 Sep 2023

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for stations and trains against a set of standards

SQUIRE performance report - Period five 2023/24 - ScotRail

11 Sep 2023

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for stations and trains against a set of standards

Paid Invoices - August 2023

31 Aug 2023

Transport Scotland publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000.

Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) - Board Meeting - Minutes - 25 April 2023

29 Aug 2023

SQUIRE performance report - Period four 2023/24 - ScotRail

29 Aug 2023

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for stations and trains against a set of standards

SQUIRE performance report - Period four 2023/24 - Caledonian Sleeper

29 Aug 2023

SQUIRE reports provide a general overview of rail performance for stations and trains against a set of standards

Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) - Board Meeting - Minutes - 25 July 2023

29 Aug 2023

Planning applications quarterly report - June 2023

25 Aug 2023

Transport Scotland's performance responding to planning consultations is monitored, and results are published on a quarterly basis

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