1750 Publications

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Guidance on the development of Business Cases - March 2016

17 Mar 2016

Departures from Standard - Advice and Procedures Guide

15 Mar 2016

The procedures to be followed by Design Organisations when seeking TS Standards Branch consideration of a DMRB and MCHW Departure from Standard affecting a trunk road or motorway

Trunk Road and Motorway Tourist Signposting Guidance

15 Mar 2016

For tourist attractions and tourist facilities

Bus Service Registration Procedures - Developing best practice guidance

14 Mar 2016

This report sets out the research we have undertaken and its findings, before going on to describe what constitutes 'good practice guidance'

What is the economic contribution of rail in Scotland?

14 Mar 2016

The rail sector has an important role in providing employment and ensuring long-term benefits to the Scottish economy

Locating Underground Drainage Apparatus

14 Mar 2016

This project seeks to review the existing technologies in this country and across the globe which are used to detect and survey underground drainage apparatus.

Locating Underground Drainage Apparatus - In Search of Best Practice

14 Mar 2016

Study to investigate applications of recent advances in drainage detection and how these can help reduce the need for extensive excavations. The study will involve a literature review bringing together best practice from around the world before conducting trials in different environments.

Consultation on seatbelt requirements for dedicated school transport

11 Mar 2016

This consultation aims to solicit the views of people and stakeholders with an interest in the area of dedicated/contracted school transport, particularly those in local authorities responsible for education or transportation, bus companies, those involved in education, schools, parenting groups or parents themselves

Exhibition materials - Mar 2016 - Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore

8 Mar 2016

Transport Scotland officials and design consultants, CFJV were on hand to discuss the preferred mainline route and answer any questions

Paid Invoices - January 2016

4 Mar 2016

Transport Scotland now publishes monthly reports showing all items of expenditure over £25,000

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