Next Steps

7.1 Consultation and Milestones


Comments can be provided by email to:; by phone on 07506 879562; or by post to: [Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF].


Transport Scotland seeks comments on the following:

  1. Does the review of key relevant Plans, Programmes and Strategies (PPS) (Appendix C) provided in this report adequately address all relevant strategic environmental issues related to the A96 Corridor Review?
  2. Do the environmental constraints plans (Appendix B) and the baseline evidence base (Appendix D) identify all relevant environmental issues which should be considered for the A96 Corridor Review, or do additional issues need to be considered?
  3. Does the methodological approach (Chapter 6), including the proposed Assessment Framework of SEA objectives (Section 6.3) provide an appropriate basis to undertake the SEA of the A96 Corridor Review as it develops?


The specific dates are yet to be confirmed for the remaining SEA stages. However, the key milestone for the SEA following scoping is the appraisal of options / SEA assessment and completion of the Draft Environmental Report for consultation, which is expected to report by the middle of 2023.