Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 26 July 2022



Hugh Gillies - Director


Nick Gosling (NG) - Head of Maritime Policy


Bettina Sizeland (BS) – Director


Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director

David Swanson (DS) – Head of Corporate Services

Lorna Clark (LC) – Data Protection Officer

Andy Pope (AP) – Head of Corporate Governance

Danny Chalmers (DC) – Head of Communications

Sinead Wylie (SWy) – Head of Corporate Communications


Morna Cannon (MC) – Head of Transformation

Major Projects

Lawrence Shackman (LS) – Director


Bill Reeve (BR) - Director


Stewart Leggett (SL) – Director

Ashleigh Robson (AR) – Head of Transport Events Resilience

Gemma Stewart (GS) – Events Resilience Manager


Fiona Brown (FB) – Director


Gillian McCole (GM) – Head of Chief Executive Office

Pamela Yorke (PY) – Head of Secretariat

Steven Wyllie (SW) – Corporate Governance Manager

General Update

Apologies received the Chief Executive Michelle Rennie with Hugh Gillies chairing the meeting.  Apologies were also received from Stuart Greig Director of LCE and Fran Pacitti Director of AMFC.  Morna Cannon and Nick Gosling standing in respectively.

HG provided a general update on TS work.


KT provided a general update on the in-year financial position for TS.  She also highlighted that the corporate reporting process was changing in SG, and as such we may see more requests with shorter deadlines.

Risk Update

AP discussed the current risk register highlighting that the next Risk Management Group is on the 11 August. He also discussed that directorates are to provide a risk process description that will be linked into the TS Risk Framework document. A reminder was also issued that ALL staff must complete their mandatory risk training.


SW discussed the current correspondence figures. They highlighted a significant volume of complex FoI cases which came in at once.  Work is in place to ensure these cases are responded to as soon as possible.

GDPR Annual Compliance report

LC discussed the key elements of the compliance report and highlighted that TS had no data breaches which required self-reporting to the ICO. They also reminded Directors to ensure that all staff were completing their mandatory GDPR training when they received the prompts.

Corporate Update

DS discussed the cyber resilience audit which recently completed in TS.  Internal Audit and TS colleagues have now agreed the actions and the report will be issued to Directors shortly.

DS also gave an update on accommodation issues. They highlighted that in the coming weeks more messaging would be issued to staff on hybrid working and what that will look like for the organisation.

Business Continuity Plan Update

BR outlined the progress that had gone on to produce the new version of the TS BCP.  They reminded Directors that this is a live document which could be changed as an when required.

Resilience Exercise Update

GS outlined what can be expected in the Director’s upcoming resilience exercise.


No other business was tabled.

Published Date 26 Jul 2022 Type Topic