Executive Summary

This independent process evaluation report has been commissioned to evaluate the ‘Building Capacity in the Safe System’ project delivered by Agilysis on behalf of Transport Scotland. This report aims to provide an evaluation of the capacity-building activities delivered as part of the Transport Scotland funded project designed to enhance the Safe System approach among road safety practitioners and leaders in Scotland. This report is intended for multiple stakeholders, including Transport Scotland, Agilysis, and other relevant entities who Transport Scotland, as the commissioner of this study, decides to share the report with.

The primary goal of the evaluation conducted was to determine whether the project objectives were met according to the agreed milestones and to assess the overall satisfaction of Transport Scotland with the project’s implementation. This report also seeks to identify the key successes, challenges, and barriers encountered during the project’s execution to derive actionable insights and recommendations for future initiatives. This report serves as a review of how well the project’s milestones have been delivered and perceived, and how the project contributes to the ongoing improvement of road safety practices in the country.

The findings of this evaluation highlight several critical aspects of the project’s implementation. The project successfully met its milestones, with some necessary flexibility to accommodate the interdependent nature of various aspects of the programme. Strong leadership, effective communication, and close coordination between the client and contractor were pivotal in driving the programme forward. Notable successes included the high level of enthusiasm from many practitioners and external experts, the creation of innovative resources, and the integration of the Safe System approach across the road safety sector. These achievements have laid a strong foundation for future advancements in road safety practices in Scotland.

However, the project also faced several challenges, including initial resistance from some partners, resource and time constraints, and difficulties in engaging stakeholders consistently. Addressing these challenges required significant effort in fostering a collaborative mindset and ensuring broader and more consistent involvement from all stakeholders. The report recommends continued investment in people and processes, enhancing understanding of Safe System terminology and practical implementation, and leveraging the project’s successes to drive further advancements. By addressing these recommendations, future work taking forward the outcomes of this project will be best placed to can contribute to a safer road safety system in Scotland.