Conclusions and Recommendations

The findings from this process evaluation underscore the need for continued efforts and next steps to build on the project’s successes and address the identified challenges. One of the key recommendations is the importance of ongoing commitment and investment in people and processes. The work conducted thus far has set a strong foundation, but continued support and resources will be crucial for maintaining momentum and achieving long-term success. The client's ongoing commitment to this programme is particularly important for ensuring that the project can continue to drive significant improvements in road safety practices.

“We’ve got a commitment to kind of roll this out across the entire country. It’s something that we wish to do free of charge and invest in people working in road safety and beyond in Scotland showing that we are the most knowledgeable country that we possibly can be. And if that costs X amount per year, but we are seeing the benefits of the overall road safety delivery, then it will be the best money that we’ve ever invested” (Client)

Another critical recommendation is the need to enhance understanding of Safe System terminology and practical implementation. While the project has clearly made significant strides in promoting the Safe System approach, there is still a need for further education and training to ensure that these principles are fully understood and effectively applied across the sector. Future work should focus on providing clear guidance and practical examples to help practitioners translate Safe System concepts into actionable strategies. As highlighted by the client this work “highlights the real need for the next stages… It really kind of sets the scene of where we need to go as an organisation and as a country in the future as well.”

Leveraging the project’s successes, such as the innovative elements and sector-wide integration, will be essential for advancing road safety practices. These achievements provide a strong platform for future initiatives, and it is important to build on this foundation to achieve even greater impact. By promoting a culture of continuous improvement and fostering strong partnerships, future developments have the potential to continue to drive significant advancements in road safety. This approach will not only enhance current practices but also set the stage for sustained progress and innovation in the field.

By addressing these recommendations, the future work that is developed on the basis of this project can continue to drive significant improvements in road safety practices, ultimately contributing to the reduction of road traffic injuries and fatalities.