Annex A - Process Evaluation Interview Questions

This set of questions were designed to gather insights from both the contractor and client perspectives, to facilitate a detailed understanding of the project’s process, outcomes, and areas for improvement.

For the Contractor (Agilysis)

  • Can you give me a summary overview of the aims and objectives of this project that you are running for Transport Scotland?
  • Can you describe the milestones agreed upon at the start of the project and your approach towards achieving them?
  • In what ways did you ensure that the programme’s delivery was aligned with the project’s goals and objectives?
  • What has gone well in the delivery of the programme?
  • How did you address challenges or obstacles encountered during the project implementation?
  • Are there any areas you believe require improvement or changes for future projects?
  • Could you provide examples of how feedback from stakeholders was integrated into the project?
  • What measures were taken to ensure the development of Safe System capacity and capability?
  • How do you evaluate the success of the programme in terms of delivery and impact?

For the Client (Transport Scotland):

  • What drove the initiation of this programme of work?
  • How well do you believe Agilysis delivered on the agreed milestones and objectives of the project?
  • Were your expectations met in terms of the quality and timeliness of the work delivered?
  • Can you describe your overall satisfaction with the programme and its outcomes?
  • How effective was the communication and collaboration between your team and the contractor throughout the project?
  • In what ways has the project impacted your capacity and capability in relation to the Safe System approach?
  • Are there any significant learnings or insights from the project that you would like to highlight?
  • What improvements or changes would you suggest for future initiatives based on your experience?