High Level Activity

Road Safety Framework 2019 - Annual Report

High Level Activity

2019 saw Scotland's road safety partners continue to make considerable progress in delivering the commitments set out in the Framework.

The vast majority of the 97 commitments have been delivered or are underway, and are bolstered by ongoing activity which contributes towards Scotland's long-term road safety casualty reduction targets. A snapshot of activities undertaken in 2019 across partner organisations to meet the commitments is shown below, together with each partner's strategic plan.

Scottish Government

Road Safety Policy

Key focus

Transport Scotland's Road Safety Policy (TSRSP) team has this year continued to provide secretariat support to both the SPB and OPG and conveyed the consistent message that all partners need to do more if all 2020 targets are to be met. TSRSP have also continued administering grant funding for the Road Safety Framework and for the first time the Road Safety Evaluation Fund. This fund focuses on a retrospective evaluation and the wider impact interventions are having on road safety.

Following the 20mph Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limits)(Scotland) Bill, which fell at Stage 1 of the Scottish Parliamentary legislative process on 13 June 2019, TSRSP team have continued to work with COSLA to help identify more straightforward, efficient and effective procedures for local authorities who wish to introduce more 20mph speed limits in the right environment. Scottish Government approach has always been about empowering local authorities with the flexible tools to respond to local and specific transport challenges. TSRSP are working with COSLA and local authority transportation departments to build on our understanding of the current and future roll out of 20mph speed limits including criteria and barriers.

TSRSP, in partnership with the road safety community and our key stakeholders have also been working to develop and shape the next Road Safety Framework to 2030; three workshops and two Stakeholder Working Groups were organised to assist us in this development (more detail later).

Following the Lord Advocate decision in principle in January 2019, TSRSP have attended a Police Scotland-led steering to devise the infrastructure and guidance required for the introduction Road Traffic Diversionary courses, including Speed Awareness Courses, along with identification of potential course providers.

TSRSP have also engaged at the EU level when attending the EC High Level Group on road safety and through membership to the European Transport Safety Council.

TSRSP have investigated and identified suitable roads across the trunk road network and in partnership with the local authorities have identified suitable local roads to be included in establishing a national speed indicator across Scotland.


The TSRSP team have supported several Framework Projects through the Road Safety Framework Fund, these included:

  • Soteria Film – Led by Police Scotland 
  • Driver Engagement North – Led by Police Scotland
  • Raise awareness of MORR – ScORSA
  • Communicating Effectively with Older Drives – RoSPA

(More detail on each of these projects can be found on page 52)


The TSRSP team held a series of successful workshops covering vulnerable road users, age and driving for work aiming to identify the key issues moving forward into the next framework, these workshops brought together over 100 representatives from across a wide range of road safety organisations and businesses to share ideas and knowledge on how we can help shape the next framework.

It was agreed that we are likely to continue to have some of the same challenges as we did in 2009 when the current framework was created and the priority areas identified in the Mid-Term review are likely to remain.

Transport Scotland became member of the Driving for Better Business scheme in late 2019 with a view to become Strategic Partner early 2020.

Priorities for next framework

The TSRSP team are developing ways to work more closely alongside our local delivery partners to ensure there are connections between what happens nationally and locally, to gain an understanding about the challenges faced and to work closer to establish and deliver solutions to those challenges. We also want to have a wider understanding of how road safety is prioritised in each area. This has been branded Team Scotland. 

Furthermore, we are aiming to raise the profile of road safety as a whole by developing a website to not only host a wealth of road safety knowledge but to showcase the great work being carried out by TSRSP and our road safety partners. In addition, we are working on a National Conversation about changing the perceived culture that it is acceptable for road deaths and injuries to be considered "normal or expected" when people use the roads.

TSRSP, in partnership with the road safety community and our key stakeholders have been working to develop and shape the next Road Safety Framework to 2030. As part of this development we are establishing a national speed indicator for Scotland aiming to provide credible, robust data on the speed travelled by vehicle type across our network, which will also provide us with the evidence of where we need to focus our efforts.

Moving forward into the Next Framework we know it is key to have a joined up approach and share best practice from across the country.

Sustainable and Active Travel

Key focus

Our main contribution to road safety has been through our Safer Routes to School programme as part of our Places for Everyone infrastructure fund. 

There is a tranche of funding dealing with road safety at junctions – where our research on cycling collision hotspots identified the areas of most frequent cycle collisions. 

Priorities for next framework

Continued promotion of our programmes that make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle in urban environments. 


Key contribution regarding road safety was to produce an analysis of collisions involving children travelling on foot or by bike and doing a spatial mapping of this against the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. It found that children in the most deprived quintile were three times as likely to be injured, seriously injured or killed when walking or cycling as children in the least deprived quintile. 

The analysis was published and promoted in the media. It was presented at the Poverty Alliance in Glasgow, Scottish Transport Applications Research Conference in Glasgow, Velocity in Dublin, and POLIS in Brussels. 

Road Safety Scotland

Key focus

Road Safety Scotland (RSS) continued to develop and support its suite of learning resources and undertook marketing and campaign activity to promote road user awareness among specific target audiences.


Focus within the Early Learning Sector saw the distribution of the seven Ziggy Story Books designed for use in home, in early learning centres and Primary 1.

The various Road Safety Scotland websites were migrated to one portal – www.roadsafety.scot. This now provides a one-stop-shop for all RSS learning and publicity/marketing resources was redeveloped. Initial work began on addressing the resources which were out-of-date.

The Road Safety within Curriculum for Excellence booklet was refreshed and distributed to all educational establishments across the country.

The Theatre in Education evaluation was completed and work began on implementing the recommendations of the report.

RSS also took part in a number of events throughout the year including: The Scottish Motorcycle Show; Scottish Car Show; Scottish Learning Festival; and the Children in Scotland Conference.

RSS ran its own Seminar at Murrayfield in October which attracted over 150 delegates.


To highlight specific stories at appropriate times of the year, various early learning centres and schools across the country were visited for photocalls, and PR and social media was used to draw attention to the resource. 

A new partnership with local authorities was also introduced, wherein the resource was being promoted within local libraries.

We continued to promote and enhance the Live Fast Die Old campaign and the Breathtaking Roads series of films

We launched a new strategic approach to Young Drivers, tackling: speed; distraction (mates and mobiles); vulnerable road users and drink and drug driving.

In partnership with Police Scotland and a number of car rental agencies, we developed and launched a Drive on the Left campaign for visitors to Scotland. Work also began developing a similar resource for visiting motorcyclists for the 2020 biking season.


The RSS Vulnerable Road Users 3600 Virtual Reality campaign won a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award.

Within a very short time of the initiative starting, the work undertaken to promote the Ziggy resource has resulted in an increase in uptake of the little story books for home of over 10%.


Continue to promote and support the learning resources to encourage uptake.

Exploring new and innovative ways to engage target audiences – parents, carers, and other educators, including faculties of education – by being in their space, rather than hoping they will visit ours.

To continue to address those behaviours which lead to casualties through education, publicity, social marketing, and direct engagement with target audiences.

Scottish Road Safety Camera Programme

Key focus

The Scottish Safety Camera Programme has continued to focus on reducing the number of casualties on Scotland's roads by encouraging improved driver behaviour.

Targeted safety cameras deployments take place through the Programme primarily where they have the greatest potential to reduce injury collisions, and where there is evidence of both collisions and speeding. This is in accordance with criteria contained in the Scottish Safety Camera Handbook and ensures the right technology is in the right place at the right time.


Scottish Safety Camera Programme

Throughout 2019/20 to encourage good driver behaviour and speed limit compliance the Scottish Safety Camera has managed, maintained and operated over:

  • 150 fixed camera sites;
  • 28 mobile cameras;
  • 29 red light cameras; and
  • 6 permanent average speed camera systems.

Infrastructure and design changes

Throughout 2019/20, revised criteria has been used to inform the annual safety camera site selection exercise. This has resulted in over 30 new safety camera sites being identified. These sites will be taken forward for delivery in 2020/21.

In addition, a number of new safety camera enforcement sites have been delivered in 2019/20. This has included:

  • 5x mobile safety camera sites across the A82 (Luss to Tarbert), A73 (Thankerton) and B7030 (Cliftonhall Road, Whitemoss, Bonnington), Murrayburn Road, Edinburgh and The Wisp (Dalkeith); and
  • 2x fixed camera sites in Renfrew Road (Paisley) and Cumberland Road (Greenock).


There have been a range of example of where safety cameras have encouraged improving driver behaviour and speed limit compliance which has helped lead to a reduction in casualties.

This includes:

The A9 ASC system between Dunblane and Inverness which has helped deliver a significant improvement in road safety. Findings flowing from a full three year performance report show there has been a 31% in fatal and serious casualties. These improvements have been achieved against a 13% increase in traffic, improved journey time reliability and a reduction in disruptive closures resulting from accidents or incidents. This scheme complements two other ASC systems on the trunk road network. One being the A90 between Dundee-Stonehaven which became operational in October 2017. Emerging evidence shows a 40% reduction in fatal and serious casualties alongside an encouraging improvement in driver behaviour, demonstrated by high levels (99%) of speed limit compliance.

Another permanent trunk road ASC system is the A77 between Girvan-Symington. The most recent data shows there has been a 56% reduction in fatal and serious casualties compared with the original baseline published in 2005.


The revised safety camera site selection criteria has identified a significant increase in new safety camera sites. Work will be taken forward through 2020 and beyond to deliver these sites and ensure safety cameras play a key role in enhancing road safety across Scotland and supporting the delivery of the broad road safety vision and associated targets to 2020 and beyond.

Strategic Road Safety – Trunk Road Network

Key focus

Key to our work has been the pursuit of our 2020 casualty reduction targets and work to support the development and delivery of targets to 2030.

We have continued to focus on evidence-led casualty reduction, whilst seeking to develop better links to active travel and proactive risk management. This has seen us take steps towards improving our risk mapping capabilities and augment casualty reduction spend with other budgets that support Scottish Government priorities.


We have commenced a number of innovative work streams, including new motorcycle safety markings which are being developed for trial in 2020 and 2021, the use of new road studs to better define junctions and carriageway delineation and the continued use of appropriate lines, signs, surfaces and barrier restraints to support casualty reduction in given locations.

Infrastructure/design changes

The new motorcycle PRIME markings are likely to be at the leading edge of good practise for road safety engineering. These are being designed and developed now. They will include any necessary approvals and authorisations for non-prescribed signs. They will be deployed in trial locations over 2020 and 2021 and monitored to establish their effectiveness in the period thereafter.

We continue to monitor and evaluate the speed responsive traffic signals in Springholm, with the aim of promoting these for enforcement when the evidence allows this to happen.

We have delivered new capacity and safety infrastructure at the A1/A720 junction at Old Craighall. This included the provision of wider lanes, improved off slips, traffic signals and intelligent road studs, which offer a combination of improved capacity and safety.

We have installed and continue to monitor solar road studs, which have been used to deliver junctions and carriageway edges in a number of locations. 


Trunk Road Casualties continue to be at an generally low level, and we remain on track to meet the majority of 2020 casualty reduction targets.

We have progressed the development of a new accident manager system, which will support the improved responding of accidents and allow, in time, a clearer overlap between various datasets including roadside strike hazards, accidents and road condition.

We continue to engage with communities across Scotland and to link our activities to those of colleagues working in active travel, place making and climate change mitigation.


Being better set to use our emerging tools to undertake route scoring, then to map and manage the network to support delivery of a safe system. 

Having knowledge and application of safe system principles more widely embedded across the organisation, our operating companies and suppliers. 

Having a better understanding of underpinning causations of accidents to improve our ability to push casualty numbers down using evidence to inform our decision-making.

National Agencies

Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

Strategic plan

Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Strategic Plan 2015-18.


Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) is happy to consider any proposed road traffic diversion schemes if they are shown to improve road traffic safety.

Specific activity for 2018/19

COPFS will work with partner agencies to assess the suitability of proposed road traffic diversion schemes.

National Health Services Scotland

Strategic plan

National Health Services Scotland 2020 vision.


National Health Service Scotland (NHS Scotland) is committed to delivering the SG's 2020 Vision. This will ensure more people can live longer, healthier lives, with services delivered at home or closer to home in local communities. Protecting and improving children's health as well as avoiding accidents and injury for all are key elements of this strategy.

Specific activity for 2018/19

NHS Scotland will continue to work closely with Community Planning Partnerships, Integration Boards and all their partner Agencies, including the third sector, to protect and improve population health and wellbeing. This will align closely with the overarching outcomes identified in the Road Safety framework Review and contribute to their delivery. In so doing, the NHS 2020 Vision will contribute towards the Framework's Vision Zero.

Police Scotland

Key focus

Police Scotland's Road Safety/Road Crime Strategy has been refreshed for 2019/20, but our overall strategic intention remains:

"To influence road user behaviour and make Scotland's roads safer"

Once the Scottish Government's Road Safety Strategy for the next ten years has been established, our own strategy will be revised again to reflect it.

Reducing road casualties, and in particular tackling the threat of drink and drug driving, are specific policing priorities contained within the 19/20 Annual Police Plan.


Police Scotland chair the Tactical Options Working Group, a multi-agency partnership that seeks to improve road safety and reduce road casualties in Scotland. Portfolios are aligned to the focus priorities identified during the Scottish Government's mid-term review of the road safety framework, namely speed, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians and age (pre-drivers, drivers aged 17-25 and older drivers). Road policing Inspectors maintain ownership of each portfolio and are responsible for developing and delivering local and national initiatives in support of that particular area of business.

Driver Engagement North – Of note, Police Officers in North Command secured framework funding to purchase a driving simulator designed to allow older drivers to test and assess their own driving abilities. The workshops, delivered by police officers focus on mental skills for better driving; awareness, observation, anticipation. Following evaluation, a condition of the funding, this initiative may well be rolled out across the country.

Rider Refinement North is a series of one-day training courses led by qualified police motorcyclists, with the aim of building awareness and capability in relation to risk factors, handling skills, overtaking and cornering safely, observation, anticipation and planning. Courses take place annually on various dates across May to October in the Highland, North East and Tayside areas. The programme of courses is part-funded by Transport Scotland's Road Safety Framework Fund. A favourable independent evaluation of activity in 2018 and 19 has recently been published. 

Operation Close Pass – Originally piloted in Edinburgh in 2016, this cycle safety initiative has since been rolled out nationally and is a staple of road policing activity throughout the summer months. A plain clothed police officer, equipped with cameras, cycles along routes with identified casualty profiles detected motorists that pass too closely. A stopper crew ahead offers an educational input as an alternative to prosecution, although this year several drivers have been reported to the courts for careless/dangerous driving. 

New Driver Early Intervention Scheme – This seeks to address the skills gap that can develop between the point at which a young driver passes their test and the point at which they can afford to buy, insure or otherwise run a car. Interactive presentations are delivered by police officers to drivers, primarily in the 17-25 age group, to develop their understanding of their responsibilities to themselves and other road users in terms of road safety. The presentations incorporate GoPro footage of a fatal collision involving one of five vehicles, travelling in convoy to a car cruise event.

Infrastructure/design changes

Police Scotland has implemented changes to its in-car technology, particularly in relation to its ANPR and Speed Detection equipment. Regulation 109 of the Road Vehicle Construction and Use Regulations restricts the types of moving images that can be viewed by a driver while their vehicle is in motion. While a legal exemption exists for policing purposes, Police Scotland, in the interests of road safety, has elected not to exercise it. All moving images will now disappear from a driver's view once the vehicle is travelling about 6mph.

Police Scotland has recently purchased 20 electric vehicles, and installed the necessary charging infrastructure to support them. A further 49 are due for delivery in the coming year, along with further enhancements to charging infrastructure. This will improve public safety by reducing the health risks associated with harmful emissions. 

Police Scotland has also introduced roadside drug screening devices which will be described further in the answer to question 6. 


The most significant success of 2019/20 has been the implementation of Section 5A of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Drug Driving (Specified Limits) (Scotland Regulations) 2019. Over 750 operational officers were trained and equipped with roadside screening devices which are used to detect the presence of Cannabis or Cocaine where there are no obvious signs of impairment.

Police Scotland worked in close partnership with the Scottish Government, COPFS and the SPA to deliver policies, procedures, communications plans, marketing campaigns and forensic capacity to support this new legislation. The enthusiasm with which police officers have embraced the change has been remarkable, and in the four months since introduction over 1,400 tests have been administered and over 500 arrests made. A by-product of this new legislation has been an uplift in the number of persons reported for driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

Further work and financial investment is required to ensure forensic capacity can service the demand for blood analysis which has exceeded previous forecasts.


The growing number of injury collisions involving older road users is cause for concern, and as our population continues to age there is no doubt this problem will grow if left unchecked. We are committed to working with partners to ensure older drivers and road users, recognise the impact the aging process has on their cognitive and physical abilities, and to minimise the risk they might pose to themselves and others while using the roads. 

Scotland's roads and scenery are huge draws for foreign tourists and motorcyclists who continue to be disproportionately represented in casualty statistics. We will endeavour to promote the road safety message among this section of the motoring public, and enforce road traffic legislation where appropriate, to reduce the number of motorcyclists and foreign drivers killed or injured on our roads.

Scottish Ambulance Service

Strategic plan

The Scottish Ambulance Service Towards 2020: Taking Care to the Patient. 


The Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) Strategic plan makes reference to working alongside partners in the reduction of road traffic collisions within high risk groups, extending the work with partners and local communities towards building stronger safer communities.

Specific activity for 2018/19

SAS has pledged its continued support to engage with a broad range of local and national groups with initiatives to support a reduction in accident numbers, particularly within high risk groups. These include front line staff being engaged to reduce the number of road traffic collisions with various educational initiatives across the country; such as Drivewise, BikeAware and Safe Drive, Stay Alive which targets areas such as Pre-drivers, Older drivers and Motorcyclists.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Services

Key focus 

We have continued to maintain a strategic commitment to the Road Safety Framework through the National Fire and Rescue Framework, the SFRS Strategic Plan, and where appropriate, within Local Fire Plans. This continued strategic commitment has ensured a focused and maintained approach to improving road safety through the delivery of national prevention campaigns, supported by local early intervention activities and initiatives, many of which are designed and delivered collaboratively with partners agencies.

We work with a broad range of partner agencies including Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service and local councils to deliver road safety education and advice to help people reduce their risk of being involved in a Road Traffic Collision.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service attend a large number of road traffic collisions (RTCs) every year. One of SFRS's primary functions is 'Rescue' and when we respond to road traffic collisions our highly trained crews have the skills to free people who have become trapped within their vehicles, using specialist cutting equipment. Our firefighters are also trained to provide potentially life-saving first aid at the scene of road traffic collisions.

The Scottish Fire & Rescue Service continues to educate the communities of Scotland and continues with the training of Scotland's Driving community and the Young Children who can be educated in Safe Driving and to raise awareness of the coming dangers to which this age group will be exposed during the next few years, towards achieving a promising reduction in the number of Road Traffic Incidents so eventually we reach our commitment in working towards: 

No-one is killed on Scotland's roads, and the injury rate is much reduced.


  • Safe Drive Stay Alive 
  • West Drive
  • Drive Wise
  • Edinburgh community engagement young drivers' events
  • Edinburgh City Young drivers – 5th & 6th year students
  • Fire Skills – Polmont
  • City of Edinburgh FireSkills Employability Award (FSEA) – 12-week programme ran in conjunction with other agencies/partners 
  • Crash Live/Safe Drive Events Aberdeenshire and Moray and Aberdeen City
  • Safe Drive and Drive Wise run by Dunfermline Safer Communities Team
  • Argyle and Bute Road Safety Partner the CAT Team and local crews across the area, delivered to S5 & S6 pupils the 'Drive to Arrive' presentation based on the old 'Cut it out' presentation. The presentation is usually followed up with a Multi-Agency Real Time Crash Scenario for the schools and the local community
  • Biker Down Scotland
  • Bicycle input run by local development communities learning and development teams Dundee and Angus
  • Virtual Reality Headsets used at Educating Drivers Events.


Road Safety campaigns we have supported during 19/20 include:

  • Project EDWARD European Day Without a Road Death September 19 – supported via social med
  • Road Safety Scotland – Drink Drive November 18 – January 19 – supported via social media
  • Road Safety Scotland – Country Roads, 25 February 2019 – 24 March 2019 – supported via social media
  • Road Safety Scotland – Motorbikes, April 19 – September 19 – supported via social media
  • Road Safety Scotland – Young Drivers, 29 April 2019 onwards – supported via social media
  • Road Safety Scotland – Drink Drive November 19 – January 20 – supported via social media

Infrastructure/design changes

Every Scottish Fire & Rescue Fire Station has a Workplace Traffic Management Plan.

This Traffic Management Plan outlines the current control measures adopted by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to ensure the safe and efficient movement of both traffic and pedestrians within SFRS Community Fire and Rescue Stations. Traffic Management Plans are necessary to prevent accidents, injury to people and damage to equipment, property and vehicles and promote good standards of health and safety. 

All personnel are aware of these plans contents and a copy is up on station notice boards.


The continued dedicated and hard work by all SFRS employees and its partners in all areas has been mirrored by this year's reduction in the figures. As a service we will continue to educate the communities of Scotland and continue with the training of Scotland's Driving Community and the Young Children who can be educated in Safe Driving and to raise awareness of the coming dangers to which this age group will be exposed during the next few years. This will work towards achieving a promising reduction in the number of Road Traffic Incidents so eventually we reach our commitment in working towards ZERO.

RTC Incidents 2013-2019

RTC Incidents 2013-2019


SFRS will continue to engage and support a wide range of local and national groups with initiatives to support a reduction in accident numbers. Front line staff will engage with communities to reduce the number of road traffic collisions with several Educational Initiatives across the country, working in collaboration with other organisations to reach the vision of Zero.


We have recently received a £50,000 investment to purchase new Virtual Reality Equipment for all our LSO areas. This will enhance and update our delivery methods to suit todays needs within our communities. This involves 16 boxes which have 8 VR googles within each and three 360-degree cameras, so we can film new scenarios to suit local needs. This also involves three training sessions from the VR Company, one for each SDA and one Operating Licence for all Scotland instead of 16 separate ones.

At present we have five teams delivering the SFRS-led Biker Down multi-agency events throughout the country. Three new areas have seen the success of these events and have asked to set it up within their own areas. Talks are arranged to set these new Initiatives up within 2020.

Local Government

The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

Strategic plan

Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2020.


The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) continues to support the aims of the Framework through its work on transport and wider policy.

Specific activity for 2018/19

COSLA is involved in the development of the National Transport Strategy and supported the work of the Road Maintenance Strategic Action Group. More specifically, COSLA supported the Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Bill in its passage through Parliament.

The Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland

Strategic plan

Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland Business Plan 2017/18.


The Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS) continues to support the three PFA as crucial to achieving maximum impact on overall casualty reduction towards the 2020 targets and will continue to work closely with road safety partners and key stakeholders in this regard.

Specific activity for 2018/19

  • Contribute to the consultation and development of new legislation for new legislation for parking standards in Scotland.
  • Contribute to the consultation and development of new legislation for the 20mph default speed limit on restricted roads, members bill.
  • Work with TS on research into speed management techniques used on urban roads throughout Scotland.
  • Work with Sustrans and other key stakeholders to contribute to the development of safer walking and cycling.
  • Work with TS and DfT on the review and consolidation of the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions and Primary Direction Routes standards for improvement.
  • Work with TS and other key stakeholders on the protocols and accuracy for the collection, dissemination and reporting of crash and casualty data.
  • Work with Police Scotland and the Road Safety Camera Partnership on the ongoing policy and criteria review.
  • Contribute to the consultation and development of the Transport Scotland Bill.

Society of Local Authority Chief Executives

Key focus

Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership

Tactical Objectives: Education

  • Participate in the provision of road safety education to school children.
  • Provide support to the Safe Drive Stay Alive initiative.
  • Support partners in relation to the fitment of child seats/safety restraints.
  • Increase public awareness of fitness to drive through elderly forums and other relevant groups.
  • Investigate other training opportunities across all road user groups following analysis of needs.


Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership (Tactical Group):

  • Safe Drive Stay Alive initiative
  • Mature Drivers initiative
  • Motorcycle Safety initiative
  • Street Feet project (nurseries and primary schools)
  • British Horse Society – 'Dead Slow Campaign'

Local initiatives/improvement works have been progressing (Transport Scotland/Dumfries and Galloway Council:

  • Ongoing work at A75 Springholm/Crocketford for speed reduction
  • A701 – Safety work ongoing with road markings and distance warning traffic signs
  • Programme of sign renewal ongoing throughout the region
  • Accident Investigation and Prevention schemes
  • Many roads identified as popular with motorcyclists. Unofficial touring routes/circuits have been formed including A76 – A75 – A77 – A701


Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership:

1. Prepare for the unexpected – Experience the drama of a 360 country drive... but remember to stay focused on the road.

2. Think! Road Safety: Horses – Car drivers and horse riders both have a right to use the road. By considering each others' needs and following some basic advice, drivers and riders can help avoid accidents involving horses on the road.

3. VR Road Safety Scotland – Best viewed on a mobile, preferably using Google Cardboard or an alternative VR headset

4. Think! Drug Drive: More reason to be paranoid – Our THINK! Drug Drive advert warns people who drive under the influence of drugs that they're now more likely to be caught and convicted.

5. Think! Country Roads: Helpful Hazards 20 sec edit – Brake before the bend, not on it.

6. Think! Don't Drink Drive 50th Anniversary Advert – our new THINK! advert marks the 50th anniversary of anti-drink drive campaigning. Although road deaths caused by drink drivers have fallen significantly from 1,640 in 1967 to 230 deaths in 2012, this film reminds viewers that one death on our roads is still one too many.

Infrastructure/design changes

Dumfries and Galloway Council – Local Roads Authority:

  • Road maintenance/improvement schemes including surfacing works, drainage, traffic signs and road markings, verge clearance which all contribute to the road safety effort.
  • Increase in length of local roads subject to 20mph speed limit in 2019 (Heathhall, Cargenbridge and Gatehouse of Fleet Primary School).
  • Speed limit reviews/traffic data surveys at specific locations following reports/requests from Police Scotland/local communities.
  • Undertake an annual Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIP) programme to identify road safety improvement schemes at known collision hot-spots.


Dumfries and Galloway Council – Local Roads Authority:

Accident stats not yet available for 2019, therefore difficult to quantify any injury reduction successes.

Working with local communities in funding, procuring and installing new Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS).

Continuation with Safer Routes to School 20mph Speed Limit programme, taking a holistic approach to consider wider community and roads in the vicinity of the school.

Road Safety improvement schemes across region, targeting areas with history of accidents/collisions.

Priorities for next framework 

Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership:

To continue to contribute to the road safety effort and to the Scottish Governments 'Road Safety Targets to 2020':

  • 40% reduction in fatalities;
  • 55% reduction in serious injuries;
  • 50% reduction in fatal child casualties;
  • 65% reduction in children seriously injured; and a
  • 10% reduction in the slight casualty rate.

To continue with initiatives and campaigns suitable for the Dumfries and Galloway region.

Elderly Drivers

Motorcyclists – 'Biker Down'

Other target areas

Representatives from RSP attending Events for 2020:

  • Youthbeatz
  • Agricultural Show
  • Motor Show


The D&G Road Safety Partnership takes guidance and direction from the Scottish Government and aligns itself to 'Go Safe', Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2020.

The D&G Road Safety Partnership is building a dedicated, experienced and resilient team of individuals who represent national, regional and local organisations who are committed to road safety and injury accident reduction.

Road User Groups

Motorcycle action Group Scotland

Key focus 

The Motorcycle Action Group Scotland (MAG Scotland) will work with the SG, LAs and other partners to ensure that proper consideration of the needs and vulnerabilities of riders is given, to fully integrate motorcycles and scooters into the transport mix helping to reduce casualty rates and realise the benefits that this mode can provide.

Priorities for next framework

MAG Scotland will look to promote its Pathways to Progress presentation to LAs and will endeavour to assist in the updating of "Motorcycling in Scotland" Guidance for ROAD Authorities in Scotland published by the then Scottish Executive in July 2007.

Road Haulage Association Scotland

Key focus

There has not been one single area of focus this year but rather, along with our own initiatives such as National Lorry Week, we have aligned ourselves with other road safety initiatives.


We continue to provide information to the wider industry in safe driving in adverse weather conditions and produce guidance documents for the wider industry in driving in high winds and adverse weather conditions. For this we liaise with Met Office, Transport Scotland, SEPA and the Scottish Government. The RHA was instrumental in getting the Road Haulage Resilience Group set up through the offices of Transport Scotland. This brings several of the biggest road users to the table for discussion and information sharing at times of weather events.

The biggest annual event we run as an organisation is National Lorry Week. Although not specifically about road safety, there is no doubt that the majority of events have at least an element of safety inbuilt. This is where we provide the tools for haulage and logistics companies to open their doors or host events in order to promote the industry and also educate the public on haulage matters including safety. The vast majority of events centre around taking trucks to venues such as schools and colleges to show people how to pass safely, avoid undertaking and show where the truck's blind spots are. This week of events grows every year and 2019 saw 64 events across the UK with the hashtag #nationallorryweek trending during that time.


This year (as with every other year) we will be supporting Project EDWARD, a pan European scheme operated by TISPOL. Each September, Project EDWARD or European Day Without A Road Death campaigns for a fatality-free day on Europe's roads, with the goal of raising awareness of road safety. Project EDWARD's key message is: if each road user makes small changes to reduce their own risk and their risk to other road users, then together we can make big improvements. The ultimate objective is to eliminate the number of people killed every day on Europe's roads – not only on the Project EDWARD day of action.

The campaign took place this year on Thursday 26 September and was organised by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL), with support from the European Commission. The 2020 Project EDWARD day of action will take place on Wednesday 16 September.

National Lorry Week will take place from the 14-20 September 2020.


We have a technical department that produces the safety documentation and road safety is covered in all our training courses from CPC (D & TM) to managing your operators license, all of which have sections on safety and vulnerable road users.


National Lorry Week in 2019 had incredible reach. Some of the key stats are:

  • 3,833 tweets using the hashtag
  • 7,105,928 potential impacts using the hashtag
  • 1,539,008 unique users of the hashtag
  • 2,006 average followers of people who used the hashtag

Priorities for next framework

Continue to promote road safety and look for new collaborative opportunities. Plans include closer working with "Break" in 2020 at a UK level.

Third Sector

Cycling Scotland

Key focus

Making it safer for more people of all ages and abilities to cycle.


Bikeability Scotland delivers an essential life skill: the ability to ride a bike easily, safely and confidently. Cycling Scotland's ultimate ambition is for every child in Scotland to have the opportunity to learn to cycle safely and confidently on-road. In 2019, over 43,000 children have taken part with the biggest ever annual increase in the proportion of schools delivering on-road training to 47%. 100% of primary schools in four local authorities (East Renfrewshire, Shetland, Clackmannanshire and Western Isles) are delivering on-road training.

The Adult Cycle Training programme will increase the availability and uptake of cycle training, educational resources and led rides for adults getting back on their bike and at key life transition stages. Over 2,000 accessed the training during the year.

Practical Cycle Awareness Training for Drivers of HGV and buses increases understanding of cycling behaviour for professional drivers. Cycling Scotland expanded their JAUPT (Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training) – accredited work with more companies, fleets and LAs and directly delivered training to 250 professional drivers. 

Practical Cycle Awareness Training for Learner Drivers supports people with a provisional driving licence to develop safer practices towards vulnerable road users, including people cycling. In 2019-20, over 250 pre and young drivers will participate in the training, with 20 advanced driving instructors also taught to cascade learning.

The course has also been adapted for staff claiming business mileage within Cycle Friendly Employers.


Give Cycle Space campaign 

Cycling Scotland runs an annual campaign to educate drivers about giving more space to people cycling. This year we took a new approach: using research to explore what would have the biggest impact on behaviour and working in partnership with Police Scotland, we developed a new, national, behaviour change campaign. A key point was a YouGov poll of more than 1,000 people in Scotland which identified that 73% of people don't know you can receive three points on your licence and a £100 fixed penalty notice for passing a cyclist too closely when driving. 

We created a 30 second TV ad, using helmet-camera style footage to show close passes from the perspective of the cyclist. This resonated well in research: 92% of interviewees agreed it showed what it felt like to be close passed. We used the ad in TV and social media advertising and used our research findings to launch the campaign to the media. 

We also worked with the police to create a short film of a live Operation Close Pass to help explain it for drivers, as well as journalists and social media influencers.

Infrastructure/design changes 

We have supported the implementation of Places for Everyone funding, Cycling Walking, Safer Streets funds and other funds that will increase dedicated cycling infrastructure to improve road safety for all.

We highlighted the significance of road maintenance for cycling safety in the Scottish Parliament Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee Pre-Budget Scrutiny on roads maintenance.


The Give Cycle Space Campaign achieved great results 


The campaign achieved more than 1.9 billion opportunities to see through broadcast, online and print media coverage alone. BBC Reporting Scotland covered it on breakfast, lunch and evening news including interviews and broadcasting our TV advert.

Spontaneous recall: in the pre wave research, 17% of respondents reported they had seen advertising/publicity about giving people cycling space: this doubled in the post wave to 34%.

Prompted recall: 50% of those interviewed recognised the campaign when shown.

Engagement with message 

  • When asked what the main message of the advertising was, more than two thirds of respondents mentioned giving people cycling enough space or not to drive too close.
  • Awareness of consequences: post campaign, recognition of getting 3 points on your licence increased from 7% to 23%. Awareness of Operation Close Pass improved from 15% to 36%
  • 94% of those interviewed believed the message in the campaign to be true and 90% agreed it encouraged them to give plenty of space to people on bikes.

Impact on attitude and behaviour

The proportion of people who claim they always give 1.5 metres of space to a person cycling increased from 26% pre campaign to 36% post campaign.

  • Respondents motivated to give at least 1.5 metres space when passing people cycling increased from 32% pre to 42% post campaign.


  • To increase the number of people cycling while reducing the exposure rate for serious injuries and fatalities.
  • To increase the availability of dedicated cycling networks, separated from vehicle traffic, allowing people of all ages and abilities to travel by bike.
  • To increase the availability of cycle training across the population. Every child in every school to have the opportunity to receive Bikeability Scotland on-road cycle training.
  • To undertake research into attitudes and behaviours around road safety for people cycling and to tackle misconceptions.
  • To continue to work in partnership with Police Scotland on Operation Close Pass and the inclusion of cycling in third party reporting.
  • To develop our Give Cycle Space campaign.
  • To reduce risks and perception of risks to people cycling through supporting changes in the speed, type and volume of traffic in towns and cities.


During 2019, we have supported the Transport (Scotland) Bill parking provisions which should help tackle dropped kerb and double parking which can increase hazards for people cycling. We will continue to support effective implementation of this legislation.

IAM RoadSmart

Key focus

IAM RoadSmart continue to deliver post-test training courses for drivers and motorcyclists across Scotland through our network of local groups.

We have also been developing a series of free online modules to refresh knowledge and one hour on-road modules to refresh skills in specific areas of driving and riding.

Our courses are all available online at www.iamroadsmart.com


In addition to the activities of our policy and research department which supports Road Safety Scotland though chairing the Publicity Advisory Group we have published our annual Safety Culture Report on motorist safety opinions.

Several of our Scottish IAM RoadSmart Groups are involved in local initiatives with Police Scotland including "Rider Refinement North" "Safer Wheels 50" and "Drivewise". IAM RoadSmart also take part in smaller ad hoc collaborations on older drivers with local councils and Police Scotland in Inverness and Fife.

We have also taken part in Motorcycle Shows in Glasgow.


Our campaigns are mainly marketing led and use social media to highlight our courses for specific groups. In 2019//20, we have targeted older and younger drivers and fleet safety at different times throughout the year

Our older driver campaign can be viewed here


These activities are backed up by materials and information shared with our Groups across Scotland.


Our Scottish Groups continue to show innovation and enthusiasm for partnership working in projects such as Rider Refinement North.


To be the first choice partner for Transport Scotland, local Councils and Police Scotland in any initiatives involving post-test training of drivers or motorcyclists. To support Road Safety Scotland by sharing our research expertise.

Living Streets Scotland

Key focus

Living Streets Scotland continues to work in schools promoting the benefits of walking. This includes collaborating with junior road safety officers to promote our programme WOW. We have also explored issues around school gate congestion working with a group of schools in Glasgow. Finally, we have offered support to a number of schools street closures.


We provided training and advice on 20mph implementation for local authorities. Living Streets supported the Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) (Scotland) Bill in the form of advice and evidence.

Infrastructure/design changes 

We continue to support communities to identify small scale improvements via our street audits. This includes measures such as the scope to improve junctions and put in place improvements such as better crossings, drop kerbs and tactile paving.


At least 20mph scheme has progressed to the consultation stage, following on from our lower speed communities project in 18/19


A continued focus on road safety around schools 'safe routes'. 

Facilitating Community-led identification of local road safety improvements, particularly through work with older, disabled and young people.

The strategic roll out of 20mph on all residential and shopping streets.

Increased enforcement of road traffic laws, particularly speed, aligned to public education campaigns.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Scotland

Key focus

RoSPA's road safety team in Scotland has focused on two key themes in 2019/20: 

1. Older drivers, particularly the use of communications in helping them to drive safely for as long as possible.

2. The management of occupational road risk (MORR), promoting the need for Scottish employers to have a policy on MORR and providing free resources to enable them to achieve this.


On the themes outlined on previous page, RoSPA is running two road safety projects in Scotland during 2019/20:

1. Communicating effectively with older drivers

This innovation project supports the following Road Safety Framework commitments: 

RSF 83: Support initiatives to raise awareness amongst older drivers and their families, of their vulnerability and ways in which they can address this in order to make informed choices about safe driving.

RSF 95: Investigate and support ways to promote and facilitate initiatives relating to further accredited or certified training for older drivers including incentivisation to do this.

Through primary and secondary research, the project is aiming to establish innovative and effective means by which road safety professionals can communicate with drivers aged over 65 to increase their awareness and understanding of their ability on the road, the medical conditions that can affect this, and their responsibilities to other road users, as well as the families of older drivers who have concerns about road safety. Having identified relevant communications platforms and messages, a pilot project (running in February 2020) will evaluate their effectiveness in practice. 

2. The Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance (ScORSA)

This project supports the following Road Safety Framework commitment: 

RSF 30: Encourage and support the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) (Scotland) with the formation of the Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance (ScORSA) in order to raise employers' awareness of the need to have a policy on the Management of Occupational Road Risk (MORR).

ScORSA is the only body currently delivering researched and relevant MORR-related information across Scotland. With a specific focus on delivery within SMEs who may otherwise not have the capacity to address relevant issues, ScORSA provides an opportunity for members to access relevant information and resources. ScORSA is unique in its field in providing all resources, advice, guidance and workshops/seminars free of charge to members, which currently number more than 400 across Scotland. 

For ScORSA in 2019/20, RoSPA is developing information hubs relevant to SME needs and delivering workshops/seminars to encourage self-development among SMEs on the topic of work-related road risk. A communications strategy is also being developed to engage directly with SMEs throughout Scotland. Of particular note from ScORSA's work plan for the year is the production of a safety factsheet aimed at drivers and riders working within the gig economy. 


Both projects are still ongoing but there have been pleasing results so far. 

On the older drivers project, the initial research phase has generated some useful learning that is being used to shape February's pilot communications project, and that will also be useful more widely in the road safety community. This includes: 

  • Drivers aged 65 and over already self-regulate their driving behaviour – for example, sticking to shorter distances, not driving at night – and this is seen as a natural part of getting older. They take personal responsibility for their driving, and messages that emphasised this in the focus groups were best received. 
  • Participants in the research also liked information that gave practical advice. A practical way to help with self-regulation is through experienced driver assessments, but there is a lack of knowledge of the existence of these.
  • Understanding of risks associated with ageing is good, particularly with regards to eyesight. Focus group members could all point to concrete examples of the effects of ageing on themselves or people they knew.
  • Families of older drivers are generally reluctant to have conversations about the safety of their relative's driving, but they would point them to practical advice and information.
  • There is a significant lack of awareness of the age when you have to renew your driving licence.
  • Those aged 65 and over do not like to be referred to as "older drivers".
  • People fear losing their independence from having to stop driving.

We have also been testing potential messages on Facebook, and have found that engagement levels were highest when messages focused on health conditions associated with ageing.

On ScORSA, highlights of the year to date have included the annual St Andrew's Seminar, which in 2019 was attended by 80 delegates from the public, private and third sectors. Member numbers have continued to grow, with 21 new members joining on a single day at the IOSH Scotland Conference. Also, the ScORSA website has been redeveloped to give it a more modern feel and improve navigation.


RoSPA is committed to supporting a continuing focus on the most vulnerable road users, such as young drivers, older drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, drawing on our 103-year experience of research, policy formation, campaigning and project delivery on these important topics. 

We will also continue to champion the management of occupational road risk, seeking to further develop the reach and impact of ScORSA. Up to a third of road accidents involve someone who is driving for work and we are committed to helping SMEs to take action to reduce the risk to their workers, other road users and their business.

Scottish Community Safety Network

Key focus

Supporting the work of the OPG, knowledge exchange between community safety partnerships in Scotland and what's going on in road safety. Sharing road safety developments and campaigns etc. with community safety professionals through our social media and newsletter.

Contributing to the road safety framework fund and evaluation fund decision-making processes and contributing to the development of the RSF2030. 

Supported national campaigns through media/comms sharing.

Connecting road safety partners to an academic researching road safety and to the public health researcher network who subsequently provided a session at the Road Safety Seminar in late 2019.


Continuing to contribute to the work of the OPG and better connecting road safety policy to wider safer communities policy and partnerships. Help to improve the links between community level road safety to local partnerships to national policy in terms of insight and influence.

Help road safety think more broadly about measurement, evaluation and learning.


Very glad to have another year working with colleagues from across all sectors to support road safety in Scotland.