Road Safety Framework: Annual Report 2014

Road Casualty Reduction: Scotland's Progress Toward Framework Targets

Scottish Road Safety Targets to 2020, with milestones to 2015, compared with average Scottish figures for 2004/08 and latest reported road casualty statistics from 2013
TARGET 2004-2008 average Report Road Casualties 2013 2015 milestones 2020 target
Fatalities 292 172 (down 41%) 204 (30% reduction) 175 (40% reduction)
Serious casualties 2,605 1,672 (down 36%) 1,484 (43% reduction) 1,172 (55% reduction)
Child fatalities 15 6 (down 60%) 10 (35% reduction) 8 (50% reduction)
Serious child casualties 325 143 (down 56%) 163 (50% reduction) 114 (65% reduction)

Progress Toward Framework Targets

The downward trends in casualties in 2013 remain on course to meet each of the Framework Targets. The charts show an 'indicative line' representing a constant annual percentage decrease that would result in meeting the 2015 milestones and the 2020 targets. This is an accepted way to represent progress towards the targets and in doing so it should not be assumed that the trend will match these indicative lines exactly.

Reported casualties killed

41% decrease in the number of people killed since 2004-08; exceeding the reduction needed to meet the 2020 target

Reported seriously injured casualties

36% decrease in the number of people seriously injured since 2004-08; the 2013 level remains above the milestone and target but continues a general downward trend

Reported children killed

60% decrease in the number of children killed since 2004-08; exceeding the 2020 target of 50%. (Based on 3-year averages due to variability of the data)[2]

Reported child seriously injured casualties

56% decrease in the number of children seriously injured since 2004-08; exceeding the reduction needed to meet the 2015 milestone but above the 2020 target