Step 4 - Assessment

Does your assessment identify any unique impacts on island communities?:

  • Demographic
  • Economic
  • Gaelic
  • Social

Does your assessment identify any potential barriers or wider impacts?

Are there mitigations already in place for these impacts raised?

The proposals are considered to have minimal or no impacts on island communities, with the minor exception that trunk road signing to and within the Isle of Skye should, in time, be slightly clearer and more consistent. While the changes are likely to result in the Skye Bridge being included on more signs from the Scottish mainland, the reality is that most drivers heading in this direction will be aware of the bridge and are unlikely to change their trip based on these signs, so any economic or social impacts would be negligible.

The identification of a locally agreed Gaelic language version of Skye Bridge through  Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba is a positive step, again mostly related to consistency and clarity, but not something that will impact the island significantly. The inclusion of this on the Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba website is outside of the scope of the changes to the list of Primary Destinations.