Step 3 - Consultation

Is there are information already gathered through previous engagements?

How will you carry out your consultation and in what timescales? Public meetings/Local Authorities/key Stakeholders

What questions will you ask when considering how to address island realities?

Separate consultation events for Island communities/Local Authorities?

The proposals were based on Transport Scotland’s knowledge of developments in the trunk road network, and known issues where there were inconsistencies arising. Changes to the list were only proposed where there were specific reasons identified. Due to the limited scope of the changes, and their relatively minor anticipated impact, a public consultation was not deemed to be necessary.

The targeted consultation with selected stakeholders included a paper outlining the proposed changes to the list of Primary Destinations, and an invitation for participants to comment. The comments period initially ran from 27th September 2023 to 24th November 2023. A reminder was sent to all participants on 8th November 2023. Included in the consultation were the six Scottish local authorities representing islands:

  • Argyll and Bute Council
  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • The Highland Council
  • North Ayrshire Council
  • Orkney Council
  • Shetland Council

Strategic transport partnerships, public transport and road haulage representatives, National Parks, Visit Scotland and Historic Environment Scotland were also among the organisations consulted. Where local authorities representing islands did not respond in the initial period, they were given an extended period and reminded of the invitation.

In total, 21 organisations took the opportunity to comment on the proposals, including those of particular significance to the islands listed below:

  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (responded after the initial period)
  • North Ayrshire Council (responded within the initial period)
  • Orkney Islands Council (responded within the initial period)
  • Shetland Islands Council (responded within the initial period)
  • The Highland Council (responded after the initial period)
  • VisitScotland (responded after the initial period)

Argyll and Bute Council is the only local authority representing islands which has not responded to the invitation.

The comments provided were generally supportive of the proposed changes. The only comments received relating to the islands came from Shetland Council and Visit Scotland, and both highlighted the importance of ferry terminals to island communities. This was acknowledged and did not result in changes to the proposals, as this significance is reflected in the proposals. No formal comments were received on the proposals relating to the A87 Skye Bridge and Uig.

A Primary Destination Review - Consultation Report has been prepared by Transport Scotland and is available on request.

In addition to the proposals to update the list of Primary Destinations, a request was received from a trunk road operating company to include the list of destinations which should include Gaelic versions, and to include the correct Gaelic version within the list. This was declined on the principle of a “single source of truth”, i.e. these are already defined within the appropriate documents, may be subject to change, and we would not wish for the published list of Primary Destinations to duplicate or risk contradicting these sources. As a suitable alternative, it is proposed to make references to these sources, alongside the updated list. These are:

  • The Scottish Government’s Gaelic Language Plan, which identifies the trunk road routes which include bilingual Gaelic-English direction signing
  • The website of Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba which provides the definitive Gaelic language versions to be used, at Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba website.

The Scottish Government’s Gaelic Language Plan 2022-2027 policy currently includes the A9, the A82 trunk road from Tarbet to Inverness and those trunk roads leading to the ferry ports at Kennacraig (A83), Oban (A85 and A828), Mallaig (A830), Uig (A87 and A887) and Ullapool (A835).

The principle of retaining these documents as the single source was discussed and agreed with the Scottish Government Islands Policy Unit and the Gaelic Plan Officer. This discussion highlighted that Skye Bridge is not included on the current list of Gaelic versions on the Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba website. As a result if this, Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba has been advised, and is engaging in a local consultation to determine the most appropriate version; Drochaid an Eilein Sgitheanaich, or Drochaid an Eilein. This will be published separately from the list of Primary Destinations, and does not directly affect the proposals relating to Primary Destinations.