Declaration: Is a Stage 2 Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment required? (Guidance Section 2.1)

A Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment is not required.

Please explain why below and contact the children’s rights unit to discuss this decision:

Explanation why Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment is not required:

The proposal is to update the list of Primary Destinations around Scotland which are prioritised for signing on the trunk road network. The proposal will remove destinations which are no longer deemed appropriate, typically because these destinations are not located on the trunk road network, or because the network has been developed in the period since the existing list was established (e.g. construction of new bridges).

Changes have been limited to only those necessary for consistency. Any impacts on communities are likely to be negligible. It is emphasised that removal from the list does not compromise the ability to sign a destination appropriately. As the impact to overall populations are minimal, as a subset, all children and young people in Scotland will be impacted even less so and more indirectly.

Local authorities, operating companies, strategic transport partnerships, public transport and road haulage representatives, National Parks, Visit Scotland and Historic Environment Scotland, have been consulted and have not raised any objections to the proposals. However it is intended to initiate an Island Communities Impact Assessment. Further focussed communications to ensure that any potential Business and Regulatory impacts are considered have also been undertaken.

There is nothing within the proposals which is considered to be specifically relevant to impacts on children and young people, and therefore no CRWIA is required beyond this initial screening.