Table P: Contributory factors: pedestrians 1,2, 2022

Table P: Contributory factors: pedestrians 1,2, 2022

Number %
Pedestrian failed to look properly 292 39
Ped. careless / reckless /in a hurry 105 14
Pedestrian impaired by alcohol 71 9
Pedestrian failed to judge vehicles path or speed 68 9
Crossed road masked by stationary/parked 67 9
Pedestrian wearing dark clothing at night 49 7
Wrong use of pedestrian crossing facility 31 4
Dangerous action in carriageway (e.g. playing on road) 28 4
Pedestrian disability or illness, mental/physical 23 3
Pedestrian impaired by drugs (illicit/medicinal) 13 2
All 747
Number of Contributory Factors 3 747
Total number of pedestrians involved1 753
Average number of CFs per pedestrian 0.99

1. Includes only collisions where a police officer attended the scene and in which a contributory factor was reported.

2. Includes pedestrians injured and non injured in the collision

3. Excludes pedestrians incorrectly attributed a vehicle factor or special code

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