Table M: Contributory Factors: Reported collisions 1 by severity, 2022

Table M: Contributory Factors: Reported collisions 1 by severity, 2022

Contributory factor reported in collision2 Fatal Serious Slight All collisions
Number Per cent3 Number Per cent3 Number Per cent3 Number Per cent3
Road environment contributed 7 5 184 14 238 12 429 13
Vehicle defects 3 2 29 2 28 1 60 2
Injudicious action (D/R) 34 24 266 20 333 17 633 19
Driver/rider error/reaction 78 55 718 54 1,038 54 1,834 54
Impairment or distraction (D/R) 39 28 173 13 189 10 401 12
Behaviour or inexperience (D/R) 31 22 255 19 311 16 597 18
Vision affected 1 1 89 7 143 7 233 7
Pedestrian only 24 17 223 17 270 14 517 15
Special codes 9 6 52 4 76 4 137 4
Total reported collisions1 141 100% 1,338 100% 1,916 100% 3,395 100%
Number of Contributory Factors4 294 2,433 3,094 5,821
Average number of CFs per collision1,2 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.7

1. Includes only collisions where a police officer attended the scene and in which a contributory factor was reported

2. collisions with more than one CF in a category are only counted once in the category total.

3. Columns won't sum to 100 per cent as collisions can have more than one CF

4. Includes all contributory factors eg if two cars are involved in the same collision and both are exceeding the speed limit this would count as 2 CFs.

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