Table A: Summary of reported road injury collision and reported casualty statistics: 2011 to 2021

Table A: Summary of reported road injury collision and reported casualty statistics: 2011 to 2021

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Fatal 255 245 196 189 175 162 159 181 157 175 140 150 157 131 136
Fatal & adjusted serious 3,839 3,945 3,654 3,166 3,090 3,131 2,751 2,807 2,699 2,693 2,434 2,365 2,252 1,494 1,581
All severities 12,507 12,159 11,556 10,295 9,985 9,777 8,974 8,833 8,477 8,355 7,118 6,432 5,774 3,896 3,908
Collisions on built-up(1) roads
Fatal 71 82 56 56 61 64 44 67 47 44 44 43 52 50 43
Fatal & adjusted serious 2,099 2,165 1,875 1,686 1,734 1,770 1,547 1,617 1,542 1,539 1,397 1,294 1,262 853 857
All severities 7,782 7,464 6,991 6,341 6,359 6,165 5,747 5,703 5,401 5,466 4,592 4,037 3,660 2,476 2,382
Collisions on non built-up(1) roads
Fatal 184 163 140 133 114 98 115 114 110 131 96 107 105 81 93
Fatal & adjusted serious 1,740 1,781 1,779 1,480 1,357 1,361 1,205 1,191 1,157 1,154 1,037 1,070 990 641 724
All severities 4,725 4,695 4,565 3,954 3,626 3,612 3,227 3,130 3,076 2,889 2,526 2,395 2,114 1,420 1,526
Drink-drive collisions and casualties(2)
Collisions 670 660 660 530 490 440 330 340 340 410 270 280 230 190 150
Casualties (all severities) 940 960 920 750 680 580 450 460 470 580 410 400 350 250 210
Fatal casualties 30 40 30 20 20 10 20 20 20 30 10 20 20 20 10
Killed by mode of transport
Pedestrian 60 60 47 47 43 59 38 59 44 32 38 34 44 34 38
Pedal cycle 4 9 5 7 7 9 13 8 5 8 5 6 9 11 10
Motorcycle 40 34 43 35 33 21 23 30 27 30 29 33 25 16 30
Car 160 153 116 105 89 73 89 94 75 106 64 75 75 71 55
Other (eg taxi, bus, goods) 17 14 5 14 13 14 9 12 17 15 9 13 11 9 8
All modes of transport 281 270 216 208 185 176 172 203 168 191 145 161 164 141 141
Adjusted seriously injured casualties by mode
Pedestrian 1,019 1,029 849 772 831 770 687 699 694 674 592 562 560 324 302
Pedal cycle 242 252 259 251 271 300 282 292 287 277 280 258 229 247 196
Motorcycle 538 564 512 455 421 483 408 452 386 386 373 380 313 241 277
Car 1,983 2,032 1,993 1,619 1,442 1,511 1,339 1,294 1,253 1,349 1,165 1,142 1,134 622 712
Other (eg taxi, bus, goods) 314 319 297 284 279 285 233 212 220 225 207 196 165 101 131
All modes of transport 4,097 4,195 3,909 3,381 3,244 3,349 2,949 2,949 2,840 2,910 2,617 2,538 2,401 1,535 1,618
Adjusted slightly injured casualties by mode
Pedestrian 1,598 1,494 1,280 1,191 1,182 1,123 1,007 982 947 947 722 650 609 455 431
Pedal cycle 460 466 527 522 546 588 587 589 503 504 434 372 321 353 306
Motorcycle 462 441 459 354 351 359 341 338 322 293 213 226 175 162 149
Car 7,802 7,453 7,411 6,571 6,232 5,992 5,523 5,357 5,366 5,224 4,430 3,841 3,302 2,085 2,146
Other (eg taxi, bus, goods) 1,339 1,211 1,118 1,097 1,014 987 886 812 793 794 794 588 520 331 324
All modes of transport 11,660 11,066 10,796 9,735 9,325 9,049 8,344 8,078 7,931 7,763 6,593 5,677 4,927 3,386 3,356
All casualties by mode, by sex and by age
Pedestrian 2,704 2,593 2,199 2,013 2,065 1,979 1,734 1,745 1,690 1,663 1,363 1,256 1,253 813 771
Pedal cycle 714 730 804 781 824 905 886 895 797 790 728 638 591 611 512
Motorcycle 1,061 1,042 1,021 845 806 867 775 826 735 709 620 640 522 419 456
Car 10,063 9,670 9,579 8,301 7,777 7,665 6,964 6,786 6,713 6,697 5,707 5,085 4,614 2,778 2,913
Other (eg taxi, bus, goods) 1,697 1,557 1,440 1,398 1,313 1,296 1,133 1,050 1,042 1,039 1,015 805 726 441 463
All modes of transport 16,239 15,592 15,043 13,338 12,785 12,712 11,492 11,302 10,977 10,898 9,433 8,424 7,706 5,062 5,115
Male 9,302 8,843 8,450 7,541 7,310 7,217 6,509 6,433 6,183 6,122 5,298 4,845 4,344 3,100 3,088
Female 6,917 6,738 6,587 5,787 5,469 5,489 4,973 4,865 4,784 4,767 4,134 3,569 3,352 1,962 2,027
Child: 0 - 15 1,816 1,689 1,473 1,378 1,316 1,167 1,052 1,029 971 999 900 754 769 493 495
Young adult: 16-22 3,419 3,175 3,086 2,491 2,243 2,299 1,893 1,883 1,690 1,605 1,398 1,100 1,007 734 706
Adult: 23-59 8,931 8,706 8,450 7,713 7,360 7,404 6,770 6,651 6,630 6,604 5,615 5,026 4,476 3,072 3,026
Older adults: 60+ 2,044 2,000 1,997 1,732 1,845 1,836 1,752 1,725 1,673 1,674 1,497 1,517 1,440 763 887
Child4 killed by mode of transport
Pedestrian 4 4 1 1 2 1 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 1
Pedal cycle 1 2 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 1 - - - 1 1
Car 4 13 3 1 5 - 2 4 - 7 - - - 2 2
Other (eg m/c, taxi, bus...) - 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1
All modes of transport 9 20 5 4 7 2 9 7 4 12 2 3 2 6 5
Child 4 adjusted seriously injured casualties by mode
Pedestrian 310 309 253 245 236 206 164 191 170 181 167 146 146 80 94
Pedal cycle 52 39 46 43 42 38 28 30 22 16 21 25 30 24 17
Car 104 100 106 82 70 70 65 54 55 75 54 54 55 30 24
Other (eg m/c, taxi, bus...) 19 21 19 15 12 14 12 16 8 12 17 5 6 10 5
All modes of transport 485 469 424 385 361 328 268 292 255 284 259 230 238 144 140
All child 4 casualties by mode
Pedestrian 882 831 674 642 646 521 462 499 460 478 401 334 332 226 243
Pedal cycle 174 150 148 146 135 121 112 81 71 55 67 64 74 60 59
Car 633 569 548 506 460 451 404 389 373 419 328 316 306 181 172
Other (eg m/c, taxi, bus...) 127 139 103 84 75 74 74 60 67 47 104 40 57 26 21
All modes of transport 1,816 1,689 1,473 1,378 1,316 1,167 1,052 1,029 971 999 900 754 769 493 495
Collision costs (£ million)(3) 1,541 1,399 1,468 1,344 1,413 1,201 1,184 1,223 952 973

1. Built-up roads have a speed limit of up to 40mph; Non built-up roads have a speed limit of over 40mph

2. Estimates, adjusted for under-reporting as described in the text accompanying Table 22. The latest year's estimates are not yet available.

3. Estimated total costs (including damage only collisions) at 2017 prices, calculated as described in the text accompanying Tables 9 to 11.

4. Child 0-15 years

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