Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 7 December 2017


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Donald Smith (DS) Transport Scotland
  • Calum Campbell (CC) Transport Scotland
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail


  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Rob Shorthouse (RS) ScotRail
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail

1) Minutes of Previous Meeting

Both parties confirmed they are content with the previous minute.

2) Actions Arising from Previous Meeting

06/17/FM, Schedule 13.2 'B' data

AM asked if it would be worthwhile having someone from TS shadow the process for collecting this data in an effort to encourage a more joined appreciation and awareness of source information being provided – Action On-going.

08/17/FM, CO 15.11 Catering Trolley Service on Kilmarnock to Carlisle route was being delayed until December 2017

SR will provide update – SP updated that this is in place to go live as expected. SR will provide confirmation once live – Action On-going.

17/17/FM, Capacity is below benchmark, but there are still concerns re Express E&G

Contract variation to be agreed for Hull trains. – Action Closed.

33/17/FM, Business Development CO 11.2, Crowding project team (interim)

AA is unsure if the timetable management meeting has taken place. AA will take up with Allan Brown. SP will check if SR are providing a crowding update. – Action Closed.

37/17/FM, Communications

DS will send examples of some SR customer experience team correspondence where it was felt that the response has been below standard. RS will then take this forward internally – Action Closed.

39/17/FM, AA asked for clarity on whether there are plans to reinstate the removed pay phone from Glasgow Queen Street station or whether this was a permanent removal

SR will clarify this specific issue and then discussions will take place in regards to actions going forward once the picture becomes more clear. – Action Closed..

47/17/FM, DS observed that the Fares Marketing campaign finished in August and wondered if it would be possible for SR to share their evaluation of the campaign with TS

SP will chase for update – Action On-going.

50/17/FM, TS will speak with SA and ask her to share the conformed copy of franchise agreement.

TS will ensure this is sent – Action On-going.

3) Franchise Variations and Changes

On-going variations are nearing conclusion.

4) Franchise Performance and Planning

The ScotRail PPM for Period 8 was 83.1% which is 4.3% worse target. ScotRail PPM was 3.9% worse than Period 8 last year.

ScotRail PPM MAA for the period now stands at 90.77% which is 0.1% above improvement plan.

Capacity and Cancellation benchmarks are both within target. AA reported that TS are relatively comfortable with these.

5) Revenue Collection

It was noted that TVMs are retaining a steady trend. This highlights the positive work of the SR Switch Team.

DS asked that SR elaborate on the changes implemented at some city-centre locations to ensure revenue is protected. DS informed it would be useful to understand in relation to correspondence.

AA thanked SR for the useful Schedule 13.2B report.

6) Rolling Stock

Nothing to report.

7) Financial Obligations and Undertakings

For Period 8, 1.3% of passenger services in the timetable were uncovered. This indicates a slight increase but remains below the same Period in the year previous.

8) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

It was agreed a session will be set up in January to review the progress of the current remedial plan and next steps going forward.

9) Franchise Obligations Overview

Customer Experience

CO 34.5, First time traveller assistance programme (x25 employees and £25k per year)

AA informed that it would be useful for TS to have sight of the draft guidebook. SR will provide. AP – SR

CO 15.11, Enhanced Dumfries passenger service

SR to write formally to confirm once introduced. AP – SR

P&T Stations

CO 22.2, Install new TVMs x 126 (100 replacements and 26 new)

it was agreed this CO can be removed from red.

Marketing & Sales

The Mobile App uptake and engagement continued to grow. Active users increased by 1.22% during the period and user sessions were up by 7.2% compared to the previous period.

Regarding Smart, DS noted that he has expected the number of passenger journeys to have increased to more than 6% however, it was acknowledged that this would require a significant number of passengers to convert to smart. SR will make sure that the text within the report was updated and going forward will alter the text to state the exact Period. AP – SR

10) Communications

Nothing to report.

11) AOB

Published Date 21 Dec 2017 Type Mode of transport