Rail Franchise performance meeting minutes - 5 April 2017

Franchise Performance Meeting – Minute Wednesday 5 April 2017 (09:00 – 11:00) Atrium Court


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Donald Smith (DS) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Calum Campbell (CC) Transport Scotland
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail


  • Rob Shorthouse (RS) ScotRail

1) Minutes of Previous Meeting

  • All attendees agreed they were content with the minute of the previous meeting.

2) Actions Arising from Previous Meeting

  • 04/16/FM, CO 6.2 Establish Strategic Rail Delivery Group – This action now lies with TS – On-going.
  • 08/16/FM, International Rail Summit – On-going.
  • 39/16/FM, Second member of staff on trains – ScotRail to provide detail as part of this exercise on demonstrating their performance against contract provisions. – This issue will be discussed when Dominic Booth and the Minister meet – On-going.
  • 50/16/FM, TS informed ScotRail that Sarah O’Loughlin has pulled together a communications planner for the Minister. RS will catch up with Sarah and populate this. –On-going.
  • 58/16/FM, Rolling stock - AM flagged an issue that may need correcting within the Delay Repay claim system. System gives no option for being unable to board an
  • overcrowded train. SP will research and work to get this remedied. – SP informed TS that changes are being planned to the SR website. SP will write to TS detailing these updates – On-going.
  • 81/16/FM, TS requested to see the results of the ticketless travel survey – Closed.
  • 91/16/FM, In regards to the Delay Repay complaints KPI per 100,000 journeys, AA noted an increase from 29.1& to 32.1% and queried as to whether there was any backlog that resulted in this. SP will research and update. – Closed.
  • 97/16/FM, RS informed that he send out the 2017 Activity Planner yesterday (March 1st) and will make sure to forward this onto AA following the meeting – Closed.

3) Franchise Variations and Changes

4) Franchise Performance and Planning

Status update on Performance Improvement Plan

  • PPM MAA stands at 90.3%, The past 5 periods’ results have been an improvement on the equivalent time last year and the MAA of 90.3% removes ScotRail from Improvement Plan territory.
  • The PPM MAA now stands at 90.3% which is 1.6% adverse to ScotRail’s trajectory of achieving 92.0% at year end.
  • AA noted that recent performance is encouraging, acknowledging the work being done by both SR and TS’ performance improvement teams And all of the staff involved in delivering the PIP initiatives
  • AA highlighted that cancellation figures are below benchmark in all sectors.
  • AA welcomed the special events planning that SR have put in place for previous and future, noting that it had been a success barring one issue out-with SR’s control. AA asked if there was any special events planning for the Scottish Grand National being held at Ayr. ND will provide an update on this following the meeting.
  • Post meeting note: Information provided by ScotRail 7 April 2017

5) Revenue Collection

  • AA highlighted that there have been increases in both TVM and ATG revenue collection, noting that this is encouraging.

6) Rolling Stock

  • Within Section 6.3 Schedule 13.2, AA noted that all fleets were on target for variance.

7) Financial Obligations and Undertakings

  • Correction of Previous Minute:
    • In regards to the Delay Repay complaints KPI per 100,000 journeys, AA noted an increase from 29.1% to 32.1% and queried as to whether there was any backlog that resulted in this. Delay Repay complaints per 100,000 journeys have since fallen to 24.5% in Period 12.
  • AA made reference to ‘ScotRail Vehicles Locked out of Use’, noting that TS are seeing an increasingly positive picture and highlighted that this table is clear evidence of the Performance Improvement Plans success.

8) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

9) Franchise Obligations Overview

Client & Comms

  • CO 31.2, Passenger assist notice period to 3 hours – AA flagged that there is active interest in this CO and that TS have used this within correspondence.

Marketing & Sales

  • AA highlighted the positive growth rate for ITSO Smartmedia, noting the strong performance.

10) Communications

  • It was noted that correspondence has been decreasing.

11) AOB


Published Date 19 Apr 2017 Type Mode of transport