Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 30 May 2019


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Kieran McLachlan (KM) Transport Scotland
  • Mark Henderson (MH) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail           
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail


  • Andrew Mackie (AM) Transport Scotland
  • ­­­­­­­­­­Dougie Andrews (DA) Transport Scotland
  • Oi Hang Chu (OH) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland

1) Review of previous meeting minutes/actions

TS and SR content with previous minutes.

2) Franchise Variations and Changes

SP notes meeting has to be rearranged with Sarah Aitken.

3) Franchise Performance

AA noted improving performance picture to be welcomed SP believes early signs are looking encouraging for period 2.

PPM Benchmarks

ScotRail PPM for P1 was 89.9% and the PPM MAA declined to 87.15%. SR expect PPM MAA in P2 to remain at this level then rise from P3. SR remain in Breach at an overall franchise level for PPM. This is in addition to already being in Breach for Suburban East and Express Other Sectors. All of the areas SR are in Breach are covered in the Remedial Agreement with Transport Scotland.

Period performance was significantly impacted by traincrew cancellations as SR prioritised finishing their driver training. This led to an increase in short term cancellations early to mid-April but in the last week of the period and into May cancellations have declined. SR driver training plan finishes in May which will increase the availability of drivers available.


The percentage of seats not provided in period 1 was 0.24% and the MAA remains better than target. Express Sector Other remains in PIP but as per the Remedial Plan SR expect this to improve when they have more HSTs in daily service. It was a strong period for Suburban East capacity with a 43% reduction in the level of seats not provided in the period.

Press release on Fife – 99% of planned seats for customers in Fife and borders has been delivered.

Cancellation Benchmarks

The period cancellation figure was 2.56% and the MAA is now 2.09% so SR remain in PIP. As forecasted Express Other has declined further and is now in Default which is covered by the Remedial Agreement. Suburban East remains in Default. The biggest cause of cancellations was traincrew and SR are confident that due to SR Remedial Plan commitments we will soon see improvements in this area.

AA notes there is no surprise on cancellations but notes this is an improving picture.

Performance Remedial Plan

AA is happy to note the progress that is being made on the remedial plan. AA and SP agree there has been positive governance in place and lessons are there to be learned as the Overall satisfaction Remedial Plan is developed and managed.

4) Service planning - May 19 timetable

SP notes May timetable change has been effectively introduced.

5) Revenue Collection

No comments.

6) Rolling Stock

SP notes it is good to see the improving figures with HSTs.

No uncovered trains recorded in period 1. AA notes this is no longer being raised to TS as an issue. SP agrees and notes SR just have to keep this going.

7) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

MH notes this is still heading in the right direction. SR are making good progress, however, there is improvement required from Network Rail in certain schedules and this is being addressed.. Pressure has been added to get things done.

8) Franchise Obligations Overview

AA notes the CO report process is working well.

9) Communications 

AA notes Ayr station has reached a period of relative stability and have full length trains running.

10) HR

SR note all hospitality staff are receiving the world host training.

11) Correspondence

 No comments.

12) AOB 

Date of next meeting: 20 June 2019











Published Date 3 Jul 2019 Type Mode of transport