Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 29 March 2018


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Donald Smith (DS) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Calum Campbell (CC) Transport Scotland
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail
  • Phil Campbell (PC) ScotRail (part)

1) Minutes of Previous Meeting

  • Both parties confirmed they are content with the previous minute.

2) Actions Arising from Previous Meeting

06/17/FM, Schedule 13.2 'B' data

  • AM asked if it would be worthwhile having someone from TS shadow the process for collecting this data in an effort to encourage a more joined appreciation and awareness of source information being provided – RC is aware and will progress – Action On-going.

57/17/FM, Franchise Variations

  • C320/4 variation will be added to the list. – Action Closed.

58/17/FM, Franchise Variations

  • The fares initiative will be made into a variation. – Action Closed.


  • DS asked if SR could formally inform TS of relevant staff changes within the business. SR will look into this. – TS has received a handover pack and SR confirmed another will follow in due course. SP reported that SR will update organisational charts when appropriate – Action On-going.

66/17/FM, P&T Smart Ticketing & New Trains, CO 29.14, Flexipass

  • SR will provide an update. – Update provided at Smart Meeting – Action Closed.

68/17/FM, P&T Stations

  • TS raised the lack of updates on these CO’s. SR will raise this internally. – AA highlighted that some of these CO’s, such as 31.3, were still requiring an update. SP acknowledged and ensured this issue was being progressed internally – Action On-going.

73/17/FM, Planning - High Performing Timetables

  • SP will update TS once SR are informed by Network Rail. – SR is still awaiting clarity – Action On-going.

76/17/FM, Planning - Informed Traveller

  • AA highlighted that Network Rail have advised they are no longer capable of maintaining T12 on an on-going basis. SP will seek clarification. – AA informed that the TS Timetabling team is in dialogue with NR – Action On-going.


  • SP will provide an update at the Smart meeting regarding the further smart exercises being carried out at busy stations to highlight the benefits of switching to smart. – Update provided at Smart meeting – Action Closed.


  • SP will speak to CT regarding the update given in this section and ask that a high level summary is provided. – Action Closed.


  • AM highlighted that the Minister suggested that TS and SR partake in a routine weekly catch up regarding parliamentary issues. TS will consider with their comms team on Friday and inform SR. – AA informed that this has been progressed with TS comms – Action Closed.

3) Franchise Variations and Changes

  • SA reported there are several on-going variations. SA and SP agreed to sense check these to make sure all are captured accordingly. AP – TS/SR

4) Franchise Performance and Planning


  • The ScotRail PPM stands at 86.6% which is 5.29% worse than target. ScotRail PPM was 6.61% worse than Period 12 last year.
  • The PPM MAA now stands at 89.7% which is 0.57% below improvement plan.
  • All cancellations are below benchmark in all sectors with the Period cancellation figure coming in at 1.82%.
  • The Period capacity figure came in at 0.96%. The overall capacity MAA in the period sat at 0.44%, and remains 0.56% below benchmark of 1.0%.
  • It was noted that these figures may be subject to change following an agreed position on Force Majeure.


  • SR advised that planned service updates for May 2018 are no longer possible due to rolling stock availability. Contingencies are currently being considered.
  • AA highlighted that he was pleased with the level of engagement SR have had with RTPs.

5) Revenue Collection

6) Rolling Stock

  • It was noted that figures within the Schedule 13.2 – B report, would be reanalysed following a position on Force Majeure.
  • SR provided an update on the Wabtec project.
  • AA confirmed that he was content that all matters were being dealt with via relevant Rolling Stock forums.

7) Financial Obligations and Undertakings

  • AA noted that TS are keen to have a Finance meeting scheduled for April.
  • AA highlighted that ‘ScotRail Complaints per 100k Journeys’ had decreased from 32.1 in Period 11, to 24.5 in Period 12.

8) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

  • AA highlighted that he had emailed SP regarding some uncovered stations as this was still proving to be a key issue. SR will provide feedback. AP – SR
  • AW and EB are in regular dialogue through the relevant SQUIRE meetings.

9) Franchise Obligations Overview

  • DS advised, at the last HR Quarterly meeting TS raised that the CO’s within the reporting pack were not up-to-date and these have still to be amended. SR assured that his is being worked through and will be updated within the next pack. AP – SR

Marketing & Sales

  • DS highlighted that the recent Smart figures were positive, showing that 9% of all passenger journeys are now being made on ITSO Smartmedia.
  • DS advised that a member of the TS Communications team would be attending future Fares & Marketing meetings.
  • AA thanked ND for the Stranraer/Dumfries passenger data included within the reporting pack.

Human Resources

  • AA noted that the data included within the pack was useful.

10) Communications


11) AOB

  • SA raised that she was awaiting a response from SR in regards to the Minor Works. SP confirmed he will raise internally and ensure SA is provided with the required information.

Published Date 10 Apr 2018 Type Mode of transport