Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 28 March 2019


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Donald Smith (DS) Transport Scotland                         
  • Kieran McLachlan (KM) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland                         
  • Dougie Andrews (DA) Transport Scotland [part]
  • Oi Hang Chu (OH) Transport Scotland
  • Calum McKeown (CM) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail           
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail
  • Jeff Docherty (JD) ScotRail [part]


  • Andrew Mackie (AM) Transport Scotland

1) Review of previous meeting Minute / Actions

Both TS and SR content with previous minute

2) Franchise Variations and Changes

  No comments

3) Franchise Performance

SP believes SR new reporting is clearer and more helpful. Transport Scotland agreed with this assertion.

PPM Benchmark -  The ScotRail PPM for P12 was 89.8% with MAA at 87.48%. The Remedial Plan for PPM & Cancellations was submitted on 18/02/19.

Capacity – The percentage of seats not provided in period 12 was 0.32% and MAA is 0.41%, which is 0.59% better than target.

Cancellation Benchmarks The period cancellation figure is at 1.79% and the MAA is now 1.92%.

4) Service planning

No comments

5) Revenue Collection

DS noted SR finished this period higher than target which was good and although trend is going down it is still above target.

For period 12 – 0.03% of trains were uncovered.

6) Rolling Stock

No comments

7) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

AA Noted the ticket offices have turned full circle and current figures are very encouraging. SP agrees and feels this is moving in the right direction.

SP notes these are good results but SR still got to push to maintain and keep this moving in the right direction.

8)  Franchise Obligations Overview

 No comments

9) Communications

Smart card campaign  - AA notes that the figures are looking good on season tickets. DS notes that the latest smart marketing campaign is ongoing and looks forward to this having a positive impact on uptake.

10) HR

AA raised concerns over HR reporting falling short of what is expected. SP will have this looked into.

DS noted a discrepancy within this section. SR will have this reissued.

11) Correspondence

No comments

12) AOB

 Date of next meeting: Thursday 25 April 2019







Published Date 2 May 2019 Type Mode of transport