Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 27 May 2021


  • Katie Sutton (KS) Transport Scotland
  • Mark Henderson (MH) Transport Scotland
  • Ross Clark (RC) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah O’Loughlin (SO) Transport Scotland
  • Lawrence Southern (LS) Transport Scotland
  • Phil Dargue (PD) Winder Phillips
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail
  • Phil Campbell (PC) ScotRail


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Oi Hang Chu (OHC) Transport Scotland
  • Hilary Cameron (HC) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail
  • Scott Prentice (ScP) ScotRail

Welcome and Introductions

KS welcomed all attendees to the meeting.

Minutes of Last Meeting - 6 May 2021

Minutes from last meeting all agreed and taken as read by both TS/SR.

Actions From Previous Meeting - 6 May 2021

Actions discussed and agreed by TS/SR.

In Depth Discussion - Passenger Experience - Revenue Protection

PC talked through his presentation, covering a number of topics falling under the banner of revenue protection.

On-Train Retailing

PC highlighted the changes seen in on-train retailing through the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that on-train revenue duties had resumed on 26 April in line with changes in Scottish Government restrictions. PC highlighted that there has been a joint working group between ScotRail and RMT from July 2020. PC noted that a risk assessment was jointly agreed between ScotRail and RMT, with a one-hour familiarisation agreed before returning to on-train retailing.

PC highlighted that there was management support on board services and at stations and that mobile/flexible teams were deployed where needed as additional support. PC further noted that a new campaign on ‘buy before you board’ and safe travel was being promoted, alongside CCTV/body worn cameras to proactively report incidents. PC also highlighted the support from BTP in the return to on-train retailing, with increased on-train and barrier visits to support ScotRail staff. PC noted that there was also an increased focus around school travel with the full time return of pupils to the classroom.

PC noted that the first 4 weeks of revenue duties had been focused on a card payment only basis, but that cash retailing was expected to return in the coming weeks as well.

MH queried if there had been feedback from staff on how the more forceful buy before you board campaign was being received. PC advised that the campaign was landing well with staff who were responsible for enforcing it, and that a more forceful message was giving them a stronger starting point when it came to enforcing the policy. PC also noted that lower patronage on trains meant staff could now dedicate more time to challenging passengers who may be travelling with the incorrect ticket or without a ticket at all, where previously the focus on busy services was to sell as many tickets as possible to prevent queues backing up at gatelines with passengers still requiring to purchase a ticket.

KS queried if there had been a change in the noted youth antisocial behaviour on services now that an on-train staff presence was returning. PC advised that an improvement had definitely been noted and that he believed it primarily came down to two factors – the return of the uniformed staff presence moving through trains to carry out revenue duties, but also that other areas of the economy were reopening and so the railway was not now the only place that was open, warm and sheltered. 

Gate Revenue

PC noted that gatelines were still operating at reduced capacity with every second gate locked out of use to ensure physical distancing between passengers can be achieved, although TVMs could operate at 100% capacity with plastic screens separating passengers using adjacent machines. PC highlighted that gate staff coverage had remained above target throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and that all gatelines had remained operational.

MH queried if there was any possibility of a similar plastic screen solution for the gates to allow 100% utilisation. PC advised that investigations had been carried out to determine the potential for screens to be installed, but that attaching them to the gates in a robust manner was challenging.

Ticket Examiner Coverage

PC highlighted that ticket examiner coverage had also remained above target throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and that this was particularly important as driver-operated door services cannot run without a ticket examiner.

Focus and Governance

PC talked through the governance structure and timelines for revenue duties, noting the daily/weekly performance KPIs, periodic reviews and learning/best practice sharing in use.

Review of EMA Reporting Pack

No comments from colleagues on call, LS confirmed the queries from TS would be circulated following the meeting. SP noted that as this was the first iteration of the pack under EMA 3, any comments from TS colleagues on the layout/structure as well as the content would be appreciated. PD highlighted that he found the pack well laid out and easy to match up to the relevant EMA sections.

Committed Obligations Review

KS advised she had a pre-meeting note from OHC advising that the TS team would review the dashboard and follow up with their respective contacts at ScotRail.

Franchise Performance Report - Any Matters Arising

No items for discussion.

Schedule 15.2 - Last 12/13 Months of Franchise

KS advised she had a pre-meeting note from OHC thanking ScotRail for providing the compliance tracker and advising that TS would follow up with any queries arising.

Issues of the Moment

No current operational issues noted.


There being no further business, the meeting was brought to a close.

Published Date 18 Jun 2021 Type Mode of transport