Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 23 July 2020


  • Oi Hang Chu (OHC) Transport Scotland
  • Julie Watson (JW) Transport Scotland
  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Katie Sutton (KS) Transport Scotland
  • Hilary Cameron (HC) Transport Scotland
  • Calum McKeown (CMcK) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail
  • Sam Price (SAP) ScotRail
  • Scott Prentice (SP) ScotRail
  • Phil Campbell (PC) ScotRail
  • Phil Dargue (PD) Winder Phillips


  • Mark Henderson (MH) Transport Scotland

1) Welcome and Introductions

AA introduced the meeting and thanked SR colleagues for the reporting pack. This was followed by a presentation from Phil Campbell and Mark O’Mailley which provided an overview of customer experience.

2) Minutes of last meeting – 25 June 2020

Minutes from last meeting all agreed and taken as read by both TS/SR.

3) Deep Dive Presentation

PC covered:

1. Station and gates plans vice COVID-19

2. On-train (new focus on cleaning)

3. Engagement and communication

4. Protecting core revenue

PC noted that all staff at stations are undertaking an enhanced cleaning programme. This utilises a new antibacterial cleaning product that has been introduced meaning staff only require to use one product and not multiple products. PC confirmed that cleaning teams have been asked to concentrate on areas that would be touched the most. For example, handles, door, bannisters and switches.

PC advises that there is currently no retailing on train due to COVID-19 with ticket examiners now carrying out touch-point cleaning and conductors carrying out safety duties, ScotRail have maintained compliance with the Strathclyde Manning Agreement.

PC discussed and demonstrated the output from the physical distancing working group which has seen around 40,000 pieces of info (including posters, vinyls and signage) displayed at all stations. All gold sites have individual plans to support customers and staff.

AA enquired about staff reaction which PC states has been largely positive. PC also noted that at GQS there is an enhanced 'round robin' approach to cleaning resulting in a consistent coverage for the station rather than doing these at fixed times along with additional staff support which has helped BAU teams.

SR advise that the system is in place at unstaffed stations (CCTV, help points) which are well set up and monitored.

PC notes that current station activity has increased as this has been noted in the station analysis in the previous week.

MO confirms that 9/10 customers are happy with how trains have been laid out since physical distancing has been in place.

MO confirms that SR have re-briefed staff on customer assistance due to physical distancing and have made a vast amount of changes to the passenger chart in line with TS which is now live for customers

MO advises that SR Comms are filming safe travel campaign and aiming for this to be live on 10 August, this will remind customers that it is safe to travel by Rail.

4) Actions from last meeting – 25 June 2020

All actions reviewed and agreed.

5) Review of EMA Reporting Pack

SR to review paper with questions from TS colleagues and provide information. ND confirms that another paper was sent not long after so TS happy for SR to close out any questions that have already been answered.                                            

6) Committed Obligations Review

No comments from TS/SR.

7) Franchise Performance Report – Any Matters Arising

AA advises that the report was shared internally with TS colleagues and nothing was raised. Contracts meeting last week possibly covered off most of this.

8) Hot Topics

No comments noted from TS/SR

9) AOB

TS to get back to SR with what they would like for a deep dive session in Period 4 ASAP. 

AA thanked everyone for their contribution at the meeting.

Date of next meeting: 20 August 2020

Published Date 14 Aug 2020 Type Mode of transport